Usher Опубликовано 21 апреля, 2016 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 21 апреля, 2016 (изменено) Чтобы не запутаться и никого не забыть указать в авторах, заведу такую тему :) [Все никнеймы - в порядке вступления в команду/использования ресурсов.] Команда:Как таковой команды нет, есть люди, которые время от времени предлагают свою неоценимую помощь, аки фриланс.Usher - глава проекта Сочувствующие (помогающие по мере возможности, но не участвующие в разработке):Scarab phoenix - текстыNaihaan - модели брони и одеждыMONOL1T - модели архитекстурыVassilevs - текстыРуна Ульфгар - текстурыGBR - помощь с работой с еспdkzz2 - анимацииkatkat - модели растительности и архитектурыЯрослав - модели, текстыCheshir - модели и текстуры рас Использованы ресурсы авторов:onra - основа ландшафтаSiberian Crab - корабли, растения, статуиBetty - растения, животные, эффектыvurt - деревьяTamira - пальмыVacuity - падающие листьяEvilSith - головные уборыFerretmyster - текстура травыVABG - броня Мораг Тонгnuska - расыNaiflan - одеждаLougian - текстуры айлейдских руинRyu Doppler - тонны ванила-лайк одежды и брониNPR - головные уборыAndragorn - броня для стражей Хегатаidkrrr - причёскиLucha - причёскиharisonzamperla - анимацииSemtex - хаджитские лапыjojjo - броня для ордена часаSaaya - конверт кафтанов из дрожащих островов под тела хгекRGMage2 - одежда, причёски (крутые дреды!) Команда Двемерского искусства (мод, на котором основан новый проект):Usher - модели, дизайн локаций, скрипты, персонажи, квесты, сюжет, текстыLariatius - дизайн локаций, тексты, аи, квесты, персонажи, сюжетMara - дизайн локаций, сюжет, квесты, текстыAlexTirex - скрипты, квесты, сюжетChedap - модели, дизайн локаций, скрипты, сюжетRonnie Magnum - модели оружия, музыкаVassilevs - тексты, дизайн локаций, квестыsmusis - арты, текстуры расNaihaan - модели брони и одеждыGxR - дизайн локаций, текстура вывескиzey - дизайн локацийDimaQvas - модель гробницыm_arts - модель меча ДумакаТорхус - некоторые моделиMartin - тексты, книги, интерьерыwitchhunter - книгиPhoenix neko – книгиАня - артыОлег - арты Ресурсы ДИ: Radu Samanc - пояса воровAlienSlofSnusmumriken - животныеSentenBig Modders ResourceFeel free to use,just give me to your Credits.Thx. PhittAlternate Dwarven HelmetDo with this mod whatever you want (include it in your mods, retexture it and the like) as long as you don'tclaim it as your own and give me credits.MudwaterThe assets provided by this mod can be used as modders resources. That means you can use them in your own mods without asking me. All I'm asking for are credits if you do. And please do not upload altered versions of the esp file.Old School DungeonsThis is a modders resource and both the meshes/textures and the esp can be used for your own mods without asking me. Credits would be nice though. mr_siikaDwemer TechnologyAll custom meshes in the folders /dwemertechnology, /mr_siika, /creatures, /dwarven and /castle may be used as modder's resource. It should be obvious which meshes are custom-made and which are not.If you use custom-made meshes, please give proper credit to me.Mr_Siikas CamelsThe camel is a modder's ressource for TESIV Oblivion and is free for everyone to use as long as he/she gives proper credit.Mr_Siikas Minotaur ResourcesThis collection of meshes and textures is a modder's ressource and is free for everyoneto use as long as he/she gives proper credit.Mr_Siikas DurzogThe Durzog is a modder's ressource and is free for everyoneto use as long as he/she gives proper credit.Mr_Siikas rocksYou are free to use them for Oblivion modding, as long as you give proper credit.You are also free to retexture them according to your needs!Mr_Siikas Ravens and VulturesRavens and vultures are a modder's ressource and are free to use for everyone (in Oblivion mods) as long as he/she gives proper credit. MomoMomos Cactus ResourceThe cacti can be freely used in modifications for Oblivion.You are not allowed to edit the textures or models.If you use the resource, give me credits.Momos Cloth ResourceThe cloths can be freely used in modifications for Oblivion.You are not allowed to edit the textures or models.Before using my resource contact me so i know where the resource is being used.Momos Crane ResourceThe cranes can be freely used in modifications for Oblivion, but give me Credits.You are not allowed to edit the textures or models.Before using my resource contact me so i know where the resource is being used.Commercial using is not allowed.Momos Rock ResourceEveryone has the permission to use this resource. But it would be nice, when I, Mr_Siika and Sachiel would get credits.Momos Skyrim Ruin TilesetThe ruin tileset can be freely used in modifications for Oblivion, but give me Credits.You are not allowed to edit the models.Before using my resource contact me so i know where the resource is being used.Commercial using is not allowed. MEOMeos Modular Fireplaces - ResourcePlease give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod.Meos Open Books - ResourcePlease give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod, also to Pheonix Amon for his Book Jackets.Meos Bits and PiecesPlease give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod.Meos Armors of Cyrodiil for Dummies - ResourcePlease give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod.Meos Room Dividers - ResourcePlease give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod.Meos Series Booksets - ResourcePlease give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod.Meos Settlement - ResourcePlease give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod as well as Mikal33 for his"Improved Trees and Flora" textures. Hel BorneHel Borne's Dwemer WeaponsAnything I have uploaded can be used as a modder's resource and may be altered or redistributed without permission of the author as long as you provide credit for the mesh/textures where used. GhogielGhogiels ArmorYou can do whatever you want with this mod but don't complain to me if it doesn't work or your PC blows up.Be sure to credit the original authors if you re-used any of these files. Joel HueninkBEARDS SDK 1.0All I ask for is credit in the mod with a link to my website at SiegfriedSiegfried's Tree Resource 1.0You are free to upload this to other sites or include it in any mod compilations you make. IlianaDesert and Arid Regions Generator Modders ResourceWhen using this resource please acknowledge the following modders whose resources have been used for this resource:-- Iliana (Arid Regions Generator) Addiktive (Desert Textures), Koniption (Hala Tree & Desert Rose), Siegfried (Palmetto Tree), Sandstorm (Darkrider). washingtonMorrowind DrinksYou are free to use, share, modify and improve this mod and it's content under condition that proper credits are given. CultBraiNDwemer Cyborgtype Gauntlets WalxRealSwords RedguardThat mean you CAN use them in your own mods if you want. You can retexture them pink with blue spots and make them glow green if you want (please! if you do something like this don't show me ok?). But if you do something cool with them, in your mod, or a retexture that kick me, I'm interested to see. I would also appreciate a lot if you could give me credit if you are using them in your own things. Thanks, love, and see you in the next pack... Armor:Lp57Golden Shadow ArmorNPRDancers clothes L H for HGEC+DrDrixTHEC Sword Dancer ClothesFizzMenace outfit for HGEC Актёры:Микробелка - женщины (редгарды и имперцы)Vinumann - Дарихан Ронодия, Ну-Яаад, Реймон и др. + вождь Диагна УетонгаEve - Маки, женщиныRaziel - Мойго Антифилос, Гексур5nosmoking - Перит, двемерский голосUsher - Редгарды, эльфыLariatius - Джоан де'Ларье, бретоныДжимс - шаманка, танцовщица и др.Таня - горожанкиMora - редгардыЧу - некоторые голосаАня - эльфийки Рудольф Цзен - бретоны, редгарды, искатель приключений, король Рату и др.Денис Питрук - братья М'кайСтас Тарн - глава леворуких эльфов vechislov - Джайвир (старая версия)Вова Няшкин - Ансельм (старая версия) Программы, которые используются:TES4Gecko Version 15.2 by TeamGecko: ScripterRon (Ron Hoffman), KomodoDave (N David Brown), Steve Carrow, dev_akm (Aubrey K McAuley)TES4Files by MentalElf Barney BlankenshipTES4LODGen by ElminsterAUTES4Edit by ElminsterAUOblivion Mod Manager by TimeslipNifTextures by MacoronAdobe Photoshop CS2SSbump Generator beta by sgtsarge 3ds Max 2010Blender 2.49b Portable by winPenPack Project - Hashmi - Room207 Изменено 30 марта, 2017 пользователем Usher Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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