Nubius Опубликовано 1 марта, 2012 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 1 марта, 2012 (изменено) В процессе изучения СK понял, что на дверях с загадкой висит один и тот же скрипт: scriptName HallofStoriesKeyholeScript extends ObjectReference{- This script lives on the Hall of Stories keyhole- Each ring should have its linkedRef point to the keyhole} import debugimport utilitybool property puzzleSolved auto hiddenbool property doorOpened auto hiddenint property numRingsSolved auto hiddenMessage property ActivateWithoutObjMessage autoobjectReference property doorBase auto{base piece of the door}objectReference property largeRing auto{large rotating disk of the door}objectReference property mediumRing auto{medium rotating disk of the door}objectReference property smallRing auto{small rotating disk of the door}objectReference property doorFX auto{dust FX for when doors opens}int property ringCount auto{number of rotating disks}bool property allowNonPlayerActivation = False auto{Allow other activators to activate this?}objectReference property refActOnFailure01 auto{This ref is activated when puzzle is not solved and lever is pulled}objectReference property refActOnFailure02 auto{This ref is activated when puzzle is not solved and lever is pulled}objectReference property refActOnFailure03 auto{This ref is activated when puzzle is not solved and lever is pulled}objectReference property refActOnFailure04 auto{This ref is activated when puzzle is not solved and lever is pulled}objectReference property refActOnSuccess auto{This ref is activated when puzzle is solved and lever is pulled}MiscObject property myMiscObject auto{the MiscObject needed to activate the keyhole}Quest property myQuest auto{if needed, the quest to update}Quest Property AltQuest auto{if needed, the alternate quest to update}int property myQuestStageSuccess auto{if needed, what stage to set the quest upon success}int Property myAltQuestStageSuccess auto{if needed, what alternate stage to set the quest upon success}objectReference property backDoorActivator auto{This ref is the the activator that opens the door from behind regardless of solve state}bool property activationAlwaysSucceeds = False auto{Forces CheckSuccess to always open the door.};************************************Function openDoor()gotoState("done");play FXdoorFX.playAnimation("FXDoorOpen") ;open main doordoorBase.playAnimation("Open") ;open the the pieceslargeRing.playAnimation("Open")mediumRing.playAnimation("Open")smallRing.playAnimation("Open") ;open selfplayAnimation("Open") ;if there is a myQuest, and it's running, set it's stage.if (myQuest) if myQuest.IsRunning() myQuest.setStage(myQuestStageSuccess) endifendif ;if there is an AltQuest, and it's running, set it's stage.if (AltQuest) if AltQuest.IsRunning() AltQuest.setStage(myAltQuestStageSuccess) endifendif endFunction;************************************Function checkSuccess()if (numRingsSolved >= ringCount || activationAlwaysSucceeds) gotoState("done") puzzleSolved = True refActOnSuccess.activate (self as objectReference) openDoor()else ;activate failure refs if(refActOnFailure01) refActOnFailure01.activate (self as objectReference) endif if(refActOnFailure01) refActOnFailure02.activate (self as objectReference) endif if(refActOnFailure01) refActOnFailure03.activate (self as objectReference) endif if(refActOnFailure01) refActOnFailure04.activate (self as objectReference) endif gotoState ("mainState")endifendFunction;************************************Auto STATE mainStateEvent OnLoad() ;teammates shouldn't use this ever Self.SetNoFavorAllowed()EndEventEVENT onActivate (objectReference triggerRef); Debug.Trace("Door " + Self + " Activated") Actor actorRef = triggerRef as Actor HallofStoriesDiskScript LRing = largeRing as HallofStoriesDiskScript HallofStoriesDiskScript MRing = mediumRing as HallofStoriesDiskScript HallofStoriesDiskScript SRing = smallRing as HallofStoriesDiskScript if (actorRef == game.GetPlayer() || allowNonPlayerActivation); Debug.Trace("Check 1 Passed") if (game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(myMiscObject) >= 1 || (allowNonPlayerActivation && actorRef != game.GetPlayer())); Debug.Trace("Check 2 Passed") if((LRing.GetState() != "busy") && (MRing.GetState() != "busy") && (SRing.GetState() != "busy")) gotoState("busy") playAnimation("Trigger01") wait(3) checkSuccess() endif else endif else if (triggerRef == backDoorActivator) openDoor() endif endifendEVENTendState;************************************STATE busy; This is the state when I'm busy animating EVENT onActivate (objectReference triggerRef) ;do nothing endEVENTendState;************************************State done; This is the state when the puzzle is solved and the door is opened; created new state for clarity, could've used busyEvent onActivate (objectReference triggerRef) ;do nothingendEventendState - цель сделать так, чтобы если у игрока TG08SkeletonKey >= 1, то при активации предоставляется выбор Варианты: 1. Взломать Скелетным ключом 2. Уйти восвояси, и третий, который есть при наличии нужного Когтя - 3. Вставить Коготь.Соответственно взлом скелетным ключом - это 100% успех, проигрывается анимация open, а если коготь - то как в обычном скрипте. Если Скелетного Ключа нету, то выбора нет, как и в обычном скрипте, хотя как удобнее.Заранее спасибо! Сам врядли пойму эту махину... Изменено 1 марта, 2012 пользователем Nubius Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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