morrow Опубликовано 16 апреля, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 16 апреля, 2017 Набрел на занятный WIP - Outlander. Любопытный левелдиз и прорва модресурсов, если дойдет до релиза (обещан в этом году). Страница автора на Патреоне -Вспомнил, что писали о нём. Модресурсы мостов, платформ и прочей ерунды. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Вевик Опубликовано 18 апреля, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 18 апреля, 2017 WIP-альбом шейдера, который наконец-таки правит столь полюбившееся нам квадратно-гнездовое освещение. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Марк К. Марцелл Опубликовано 18 апреля, 2017 Автор Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 18 апреля, 2017 Выглядит круто, но доказательств правки "квадратов" не вижу. Ни сравнения в гробнице "до" и "после", ни видео прохождения по полностью темной гробнице с факелом, при котором статики не "выпрыгивают" из темноты. P.S. Групповое фото андедов прекрасно. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Capostrophic Опубликовано 17 мая, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 17 мая, 2017 Королевская игра из Ура. Интересная идея. оальмсивинеттольконедаркнатовскийдвемерскийретекстурвевикспасисохрани Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
CemKey Опубликовано 4 июня, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 4 июня, 2017 Интересно. Надо посмотреть. И вы посмотрите. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Scarab-Phoenix Опубликовано 4 июня, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 4 июня, 2017 Morrowind RebirthХрень полная. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Марк К. Марцелл Опубликовано 4 июня, 2017 Автор Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 4 июня, 2017 Интересно. Надо посмотреть. И вы посмотрите.Посмотреть однозначно стоит - потратить вечерок-другой. А потом снести, потому как Феникс в целом прав - мод неглубок. А играть "вширь" на Вварденфелле в 2017-м, еще и так линейно - не самая удачная мысль. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Dun Dram Опубликовано 4 июня, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 4 июня, 2017 Хрень полная.Сборка как сборка. Местами из вполне удачных плагинов, местами - из не очень. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Capostrophic Опубликовано 10 сентября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 10 сентября, 2017 Ещё одна переделка Балморы, на этот раз в стиле концепт-арта. По сути просто напихано окошек и навесов, но по крайней мере не дошло дела до сужения многострадального Одая и всё довольно цивильно. Долбаный мост, перекрывающий вид на Храм, Ремирос оставил, а жаль. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
morrow Опубликовано 16 сентября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 16 сентября, 2017 (изменено) Забрёл на нексус, давно не смотрел там ничего нового.Помимо всяких ретекстуров (есть и неплохие, типа ретекстура фонариков, кстати автор которых россиянин, у него есть и другие работы на сайте), ребалансеров, домиков и всякой ненужности есть вкуснота типа:Open Mournhold – https://www.nexusmod...ind/mods/44981/А-ля открытые плазы Вивека, но другая реализация, учитывая то, что районы Морнхолда всунуты в интерьеры. Выглядит мегагодно, нужны МВСЕ и МГЕ. Visible Temple – http://www.nexusmods...wind/mods/42247Та же идея, что у адаптированного мной "Горы Морнхолда" (http://www.fullrest....ns-of-mournhold), только теперь в Морнхолде отовсюду можно будет увидеть шпили Храма. По идее с теми же самыми горами должно красиво сочетаться. The Morrowind Randomizer – https://www.nexusmod...nd/mods/44989/?Идею перепрятать все артефакты (ну и даэдрик докучи) реализовали. Квестовые артефакты + шмот на Фире и Хелсете не тронули. Можно ковыряясь в какой-нибудь корзине найти Кольцо Учителя. Или найти его на теле какого-нибудь непися рандомно. Кароч огонь. Ну и повторно они не встретятся + с каждой новой игрой они случайным же образом и появятся. Надо поковыряться в скриптах, чот заинтересовало насколько велик список рандомных мест появления артефактов. Диалоги не меняли, так что в Сейда Нин вам по обыкновению подскажут, что Кольцо Учителя нужно искать в гробнице неподалёку, но вот ведь лол, его там не будет))) По-моему такой подход гораздо лучше всяких методов борьбы с ветряными мельницами, а-ля усиленная охрана артефактов, уменьшение стоимости артефактов, всякие требования к их ношению: с этим плагином просто нельзя предугадать когда вам встретится тот или иной нужный артефакт, да и встретится ли вообще. Изменено 16 сентября, 2017 пользователем morrow Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
-=ChieF=- Опубликовано 16 сентября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 16 сентября, 2017 (изменено) <<Диалоги не меняли, так что в Сейда Нин вам по обыкновению подскажут, что Кольцо Учителя нужно искать в гробнице неподалёку, но вот ведь лол, его там не будет)))>> Это же легко поправимо! В урну с прахом лорда Брина надо просто добавить записку "Спасибо что заглянул, Марио, но кольцо учителя в другой гробнице!" P.s. Мне почему-то импонирует идея как раз с разумно усиленной охраной + исчезновением артефактов при наступлении каких-то условий.Но требования к артефактам тоже не нравятся, да. Изменено 16 сентября, 2017 пользователем -=ChieF=- Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
morrow Опубликовано 16 сентября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 16 сентября, 2017 Это же легко поправимо! В урну с прахом лорда Брина надо просто добавить записку "Спасибо что заглянул, Марио, но кольцо учителя в другой гробнице!"P.s. Мне почему-то импонирует идея как раз с разумно усиленной охраной + исчезновением артефактов при наступлении каких-то условий. Но требования к артефактам тоже не нравятся, да.1) Траллинг неплохой. Самое смешное, что кольцо в итоге вообще может быть не в гробнице, а на неписе.2) Исчезновение – тоже годно по-идее. Я глянул скрипты плагина – сильное колдунство. Но судя по всему рандом не шибко большой в плане возможных вариантов появления артефактов: не очень-то и много мест и неписей, где артефакты можно найти, но для первой пары новых прохождений этого будет более чем достаточно, тем более что и потом даже если вы знаете "артефактное место", то при каждой новой игре там будет случайный артефакт. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Ao3 Опубликовано 19 сентября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 19 сентября, 2017 Хрень полная. На чём основано данное мнение? Сборка как сборка. Местами из вполне удачных плагинов, местами - из не очень. И не сборка это, а неплохой допил локаций и ещё много чего. Вы в него вообще играли, или только скрины смотрели? Там например, очень неплохо сбалансирована экономика, при том безо всяких костылей типа хмыкающих торговцев. Имхо, оригинальный Морр + MGSO + MR + TR + LGNPC = самая лучшая сборка, которую можно сделать на данный момент. И жаль, что только на английском, хотя и так хорошо. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Scarab-Phoenix Опубликовано 19 сентября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 19 сентября, 2017 И не сборка это, а неплохой допил локаций и ещё много чего.Сборка, сборка. Как выше сказали, сборная солянка из неплохих и неудачных плагинов и изменений. К сожалению, неудачные слишком сильно бросаются в глаза. Допил локаций там тоже очень уж на любителя, я уже о геймплейных изменениях молчу, там каша полная. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Dun Dram Опубликовано 19 сентября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 19 сентября, 2017 И не сборка это, а неплохой допил локаций и ещё много чего. Вы в него вообще играли, или только скрины смотрели?Не играл, но разбирал, что бы составить представление (там пара моих ресурсов используется, интересно же).Под "сборкой" я имел в виду не только сборку сторонних плагинов (хотя и это тоже там есть), но и сборку собственных наработок автора в различных аспектах игры. Имхо, оригинальный Морр + MGSO + MR + TR + LGNPC = самая лучшая сборка, которую можно сделать на данный момент.При этом автор сам не рекомендует использовать MGSO вместе с MR. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Capostrophic Опубликовано 19 сентября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 19 сентября, 2017 Имхо, оригинальный Морр + MGSO + MR + TR + LGNPC = самая лучшая сборка, которую можно сделать на данный момент. Сильное утверждение. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Ao3 Опубликовано 19 сентября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 19 сентября, 2017 Сильное утверждение. При этом автор сам не рекомендует использовать MGSO вместе с MR. Всё отлично работает, если отключить в установщике MGSO деревья, траву и что-то ещё. Вот какой-то небезызвестный в зарубежном комьюнити чувак целый час о говорит об установке всего этого добра. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Dun Dram Опубликовано 20 сентября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 20 сентября, 2017 Всё отлично работает, если отключить в установщике MGSO деревья, траву и что-то ещё.Но - зачем? Автор совершенно спрпведливо пишет, что MGSO устарел и неоптимизирован. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Ao3 Опубликовано 20 сентября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 20 сентября, 2017 Но - зачем? Автор совершенно спрпведливо пишет, что MGSO устарел и неоптимизирован. Ну например за тем, что Rebirth вообще не является ретекстуром. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
morrow Опубликовано 20 октября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 20 октября, 2017 Экспедиция в Мзелтуанд В авторах наш R-Zero, Сибирский Крабэ и Ёж в поучаствовавших. На вид – огонь. Требует МГЕ 0.10.0 (нет в базе) с врубленным МВСЕ, последний МКП (есть),Чо, переводить? Я могу перевести всё в плагине кроме диалогов и квестов (в них только сам текст, не в редакторе). Ну и книжка там со всякими словесами, м.б. придётся у вас спрашивать если найду какие-нибудь лороштуки.Или R-Zero сам планирует одарить русскоязычную аудиторию лоализацией? Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
CemKey Опубликовано 20 октября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 20 октября, 2017 (изменено) Конечно лолизация нужна.А что значит - Я могу перевести всё в плагине кроме диалогов и квестов (в них только сам текст, не в редакторе).Читерная телепортпушка жжёт. Изменено 20 октября, 2017 пользователем CemKey Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
morrow Опубликовано 20 октября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 20 октября, 2017 А что значит - Я могу перевести всё в плагине кроме диалогов и квестов (в них только сам текст, не в редакторе).Все скрипты, пару книжек, новые вещи, активаторы, контейнеры, неписи, кричуры, описание и ридми. Всё кроме диалоговых записей. Их тоже могу, но выложив здесь, например, перевод, а уж в редактор их запиливает пусть кто-то другой: не умею работать с диалогами и дневником Если никто не захочет адаптировать плагин, то так и сделаю, просто переведя в плагине всё кром диалоговой части и прикрепив фразы из диалогов и журнала, которые нужно вставить в плагин после моих титанических трудов)) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
CemKey Опубликовано 20 октября, 2017 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 20 октября, 2017 А в каком виде перевод диалогов выложишь? Так могёшь? ;Export: names for translate ;E:\GAMES\Morrowind1\Data Files\DD_2_ExpeditionToMzelthuand.esp ACTI:DD_2_act_door_massive_01=Massive Dwemer Door ACTI:DD_2_act_door_massive_02=Massive Dwemer Door ACTI:DD_2_act_door_massive=Massive Dwemer Door ACTI:DD_2_act_dreugh_tube= ACTI:DD_2_act_dwrv_dimdoor_01= ACTI:DD_2_act_dwrv_dimdoor_02=. ACTI:DD_2_act_dwrv_fan_uni_off= ACTI:DD_2_act_dwrv_fan_uni_on= ACTI:DD_2_act_dwrv_oilslick= ACTI:DD_2_act_dwrv_vent=Dwemer Vent ACTI:DD_2_act_ice_particles= ACTI:DD_2_act_ice_sheet= ACTI:DD_2_act_powerbox=Dwemer Junction Box ACTI:DD_2_coilroom_magnet=Dwemer Electromagnet ACTI:DD_2_dwrv_crank=Crank ACTI:DD_2_dwrv_grate_fence= ACTI:DD_2_dwrv_grinder0= ACTI:DD_2_dwrv_grinder1= ACTI:DD_2_dwrv_grinder2= ACTI:DD_2_dwrv_panel_button0=Button of Chal ACTI:DD_2_dwrv_panel_button1=Button of Bthar ACTI:DD_2_dwrv_panel_button2=Button of Tuathumz ACTI:DD_2_dwrv_panel_button3=Button of Razak ACTI:DD_2_dwrv_panel= ACTI:DD_2_dwrv_pipe_goop= ACTI:DD_2_dwrv_pointer= ACTI:DD_2_dwrv_vent=Dwemer Vent ACTI:DD_2_ex_dw_bathysphere_anim= ACTI:DD_2_ex_dw_bathysphere= ACTI:DD_2_FinalRoom= ACTI:DD_2_FlimDarrsHouse= ACTI:DD_2_FlimDoorTrigger= ACTI:DD_2_FlimGear=Dwemer Cog ACTI:DD_2_FlimGear2=Dwemer Cog ACTI:DD_2_FlinnAnim= ACTI:DD_2_grate_lever=Lever ACTI:DD_2_Grinder= ACTI:DD_2_LevitationBlocker= ACTI:DD_2_lift_01= ACTI:DD_2_Music_LoopingWater= ACTI:DD_2_portal_closed= ACTI:DD_2_ShenksShovel= ACTI:DD_2_TeleDst= ACTI:DD_2_TeleSrc= ACTI:FakeChamber= ACTI:FakeHallway= ALCH:DD_2_FlimFlin=Flin ARMO:DD_2_a_coat_fd=Flim-Darr's Armored Coat ARMO:DD_2_a_pants_fd=Flim-Darr's Armored Pants BOOK:DD_2_book_mzelthuand=Memories of Water BOOK:DD_FlimDarrScavNote=Note to all scavengers CONT:DD_2_chest_dwrv_shack01=Heavy Dwemer Chest CREA:DD_2_dreugh_clockwork=Clockwork Dreugh DIAL:Argonian=Argonian DIAL:Background=Background DIAL:DD_2_Quest=DD_2_Quest DIAL:DD_2_QuestArmor=DD_2_QuestArmor DIAL:DD_2_QuestMuseum=DD_2_QuestMuseum DIAL:Dwemer artifacts=Dwemer artifacts DIAL:expedition to Mzelthuand=expedition to Mzelthuand DIAL:Flim-Darr=Flim-Darr DIAL:Greeting 1=Greeting 1 DIAL:Hla Oad=Hla Oad DIAL:latest rumors=latest rumors DIAL:spunk juice=spunk juice DIAL:tests=tests DIAL:travel commands=travel commands DIAL:upgrade my armor=upgrade my armor DOOR:DD_2_DisposalDoor=Worn Dwemer Door DOOR:DD_2_DisposalDoor2=Worn Dwemer Door DOOR:DD_2_door_dwrv_blocked=Steel and Iron Dwemer Doors DOOR:DD_2_door_elevator=Dwarven Lift DOOR:DD_2_door_inner_blocked=Steel and Iron Door DOOR:DD_2_door_massive=Massive Dwemer Door DOOR:DD_2_door_tube_entry=Worn Dwemer Door DOOR:DD_2_dwrv_door=Metal Door DOOR:DD_2_Ladder=Ladder DOOR:DD_2_Mzelthuand_Lift=Dwarven Lift DOOR:DD_2_Mzelthuand_Lift2=Dwarven Lift INFO:102371900099304352=Yes, I remember him. One of the denizens of Black Marsh, though you wouldn't be able to tell from his speech. I think he was Imperial-born. If so, that may be why he was acting so odd. Argonians without a connection to the hist tend to act unusual, I understand. I don't know much about it, but I hear that they walk through life strangely, more like men than beasts. He wanted us to go with him to the Dwemer ruin that he "made". For the safety of the students here, I had him forcibly removed. INFO:1025824677272492131=Yeah, that's right. Bring me scrap metal, and I'll upgrade my armor. It'll probably make me more useful in combat, I won't be hurtin' as much. INFO:103054141853524890=For his first test, Flim-Darr simply wishes for me to stand on the Dwemer Scale in the corner. While naked. Once all four buttons on it are pressed, it will be done scaling my weight. Curiously, according to Flim-Darr, it doesn't matter which order I press the buttons in. I wonder how this machine actually works? INFO:1059526832150625092=It seems that Flim-Darr has found a Dwemer ruin named Mzelthuand, located in the Inner Sea between Vvardenfell and the mainland. With a bit of effort he somehow managed to use its mechanisms to move it to the Bitter Coast region, southwest of Hla Oad. After getting some supplies, Flim-Darr wants to go there with me to find... something. He never said what he actually wanted, nor did he tell me how much he'd be paying me to do the job. INFO:106532029194184419=This is the place. Beauty isn't she? Don't touch that lift just yet though buckaroo, let me tighten those bolts... Just these few here, oh, and this one. Was that all? Yeah I think that's the lot of them. Probably. Should be good now. Nothing to worry about. Just had to leave a few security measures, that's all. INFO:10759171401080526531=Yup. That's the plan. INFO:10768247232455525422=Soon as you're ready, %pcname. I'm of the opinion that we should go grab some potions and equipment from one of the larger towns. Balmora or Suran or something. Lead on. Oh, and if you have any travel commands for me, feel free to shout out. I don't do well with standing in large, open spaces though. Makes me feel vulnerable. Like a cliff racer's gonna attack me at any time. INFO:10850123161530829700=I've frosted all four of Flim-Darr's flin. Now to see what other menial tasks he wants me to do. INFO:111182548963536948=Hey, just to let you know, you've given me enough scrap to upgrade my armor, so I did. I've still got a ways to go before this stuff'll be able to survive an encounter with Mehrunes Dagon, but this'll do for now. Come back when you have more scrap. INFO:11206222854807210=I've heard talk that a strange Argonian with spectacles is staying at the tavern in town. I think his name is Flim-Darr. Apparently he's been trying to recruit mages from the Mages Guild in town for some project, but they all turned him down. Last I heard, he was hanging out in Shenk's Shovel. Strange fellow, to be sure. INFO:1128311932188358687=I don't know much about him. I heard he's an Argonian that arrived in town fairly recently. He's been asking every mage in town about some excavation. I hear he walks around with goggles on, like the native Dunmer armor. Maybe he plans to go out into the ashlands? INFO:11901252047218028=Got a good setup in Hla Oad. Scavenge the Dwemer ruins, pick out the good stuff, then sell all the junk to Ra'Zhid. Gods know I have more Dwemer tubes than I know what to tube with. Even got a nice little path to the dropoff's back door; I don't ever need to tangle with the guards. Whatever happened to ol' Ra'zhid, anyway? Haven't seen him around. INFO:1215130682646322059=Hey, you made it. Home sweet home, I say. Now, there are a few tests you'll need to go through. We need magic to get past some of the obstacles mentioned in the schematics. INFO:12165272161327821860=I need you to drag it inside the backyard using your magic. Do you think you can do that, %pcname? Do you think that you, %pcname, could cast something on the cog to make it lighter so you could drag it into my backyard? It'll probably take a really specialized... special spell, %pcname. And it's relevant to the expedition! It's stuff that I need done... to see if you can do what needs to be done, %pcname. You'll have to make that cog as light as a feather, buckaroo. It weighs a lot. INFO:1243671941583716256=I found the key and returned it to Flim-Darr. Now he wants me to make his Flin cold with frost spells. INFO:12551110951632621137=He tells me that there's another route that we might be able to take to further explore the ruin in search of the key. INFO:1256193892033723156=What, you get married or somethin'? It ain't cheatin' if it's with yourself. Ah well, suit yourself. INFO:1308720630211398272=Yeah, magic. Spells. Goop from Aetherius. The shiny. INFO:13257179711215211463=Right. Lets see... I need to know if you can fly. A few days ago, I accidentally stuck my Dwemer throwing knife into the top of the tree outside. I need you to fly up and get it for me. You got that? INFO:132611504624905110=EXPEDITION DIALOGUE ABOVE INFO:13366312622247825224=Dwemer tech ain't all that complicated. Just gotta have a head for it. Figure out what the gears are doing, which piston fills which pipe, what switches activate what things. It's like a big math problem, 'cept it's all gears and knobbies instead of numbers. Oh, and you need math too. INFO:1354822812270118270=Flim-Darr seems to have been emotionally traumatized by the Dwemer cog outside. He wants me to cast a feather spell on it so that it can be moved into his backyard. INFO:13551286633732747=Hey. INFO:13602272171096313198=Expedition to Mzelthuand INFO:13629123163090324924=Hey %pcname. That self-pleasure device, it needs some synthesized ammunition to function correctly. If you ever run out, I'll give you some more spunk juice. INFO:138626361256525909=Nice. I can do that. I'd say I'm the expert at doing that. I'll be around... somewhere. INFO:1387078861110114033=[Yelling down after the player enters the disposal unit.]Power is on! Head for the northern door! INFO:1387078861110114033=Right! Power's on! Better head through fast before you don't -have- a head. Northern door! Or... south? Yeah, northern door, through the pipe in the ceiling! If you have a spell that c'n resist the effects of fire, I'd use it now! INFO:13960279361192930791=I took Flim-Darr to the Dwemer museum in Tel Vos. He seemed thrilled, and rewarded me with an Advanced Dwarven Crossbow. INFO:140798704165205907=Flim-Darr seems convinced that I can bypass some of the ruin's security by going through the disposal unit of the facility. Wondrous. He's sending me in alone, and he's trusting my "spells" to keep me alive through it. INFO:14117297651813716686=Hey, just to let you know, you've given me enough scrap to fully upgrade my armor. I'll finally be able to survive an encounter with a mudcrab! INFO:14222304081030126731=You got scrap for me? INFO:1424113960337014872=Flim-Darr and I are now inside Mzelthuand proper. Flim-Darr has advised that, after I'm done exploring, we should head to the "Cells of Concatenation" through the door directly across from the lift. INFO:1445924452390623045=We've found some kind of Dwemer device on a pedestal, in addition to a powered Dwemer coherer. The mysterious device looks to be what Flim-Darr has been searching for this entire time. INFO:1451424395389210861=I don't know what you're talking about. INFO:146714987337626335=Hey, just to let you know, you've given me enough scrap to upgrade my armor, so I did. I've still got a ways to go before this stuff'll be able to survive an encounter with a wereshark, but this'll do for now. Come back when you have more scrap. INFO:147682634942824587=Good. I need a woman with a very particular set of magical skills. Can't hire you if you can't even summon Vivec. INFO:14785132781333323926=Flim-Darr is kind to this one. INFO:154622913166566483=Yeah, there was a few spare pieces. Here. Thanks for the scrap, %pcname. INFO:154902673777073195=Don't you like it, %pcname? Dwemer fan. The dwemer back in the day used it to keep their machinery cool. Now, it's going to keep ME cool while I work. INFO:157296314164522730=Yes. Flee that which you do not understand. INFO:15753179853138714583=Great! Pacing around is one of my pastimes, you know. INFO:1578255372211577=You got scrap for me? INFO:15991239482166721701=Flim-Darr's next task is for me to fly up into one of the trees near his shack to find a Dwemer dart that he accidentally stuck in the top of one. INFO:160510727189896866=Flim-Darr and I have found the dreugh testing lab. Now, to find the key. INFO:1634030513256524645=Just when you think you have Argonians pegged, one of them waltzes in and buys you a drink. I've never seen anything like it. Most of them I've met give me scowls, like it's my own fault that the Empire allows slavery in Vvardenfell. This one'll just talk your ear off about the Dwarves. INFO:163674709149319349=Weird one. Talks about the Dwemer as if he met them personally. How could one quote people that lived in the first era? I think it has something to do with his Flin addiction. Argonian's nuttier than a blighted Cliff Racer. INFO:16388158192102822001=Your call, %pcname. I'm on your rear end like a cliff racer. INFO:16772220286319384=Really really heavy. Very incredibly colossally heavy. I've still got the scar tissue and emotional trauma to prove it. Just... use your magic on it. Quickly now I don't want to cry in front of you, %pcname. Bosses... don't cry in front of their employees! Go! INFO:17189306811000728038=Flim-Darr, an Argonian in Shenk's Shovel, has asked for my help in excavating a Dwarven Ruin. He told me that he requires a mage's assistance. As part of his first test of several to determine if I'm up for the task, he asked me how long I could hold my hands in the air. Afterwords, he told me to meet him at his shack east of Hla Oad to conduct further tests. Flim-Darr seems incredibly paranoid. He hasn't told me how much he will pay me for the job, either. INFO:172559022255414794=Nope. Used every last bit. Thanks for the scrap, %pcname. INFO:17614118821398517567='Ey, there it is! Good work. Looks like you can fly. Okay. Right. Uh... for the uh... next test right... how about you use some of your fancy divination spells to find my lost key. I dropped it outside somewhere. Dunno where. Go find it and bring it back to me... that'll be test three. Or four... wait... uh... yeah three. Test three is done! Test four is... find the key? Okay. INFO:17670163063139116282=Apparently, the giant door needs a key to be accessed. Due to its advanced construction, spells won't be able to unlock it. INFO:17777106722787530168=Not here. We need to talk at my shack. The walls have eyes here. INFO:178331761309291865=Can't find it? Don't worry, it's the only Dwemer throwing dart in a tree around here. I don't remember which tree though, but it has to be close to my roof. Threw it from there. INFO:179132625191072474=Hey, just to let you know, you've given me enough scrap to upgrade my armor, so I did. I've still got a ways to go before this stuff'll be able to survive an encounter with a mensturating Golden Saint, but this'll do for now. Come back when you have more scrap. INFO:181882525431247565=Hey, you. INFO:1837955522053811882=Hey, well there you go. You found it! Looks like that magical study really paid off, you can find all sorts of lost keys! What a unique and incredibly specific spell, huh. Ah well. Okay. Next one, you're going to have to prove to me that you cun cast frost spells. Y'know, make it real chilly, like a naked Nord walkin' his Atmoran dog at 4 in the morning with icicles on his testies cold. You see that flin over there on the desk? Freeze 'em up for me, will ya'? INFO:1879020872954514719=Sorry. Can't upgrade it anymore, %pcname. It's gettin' too heavy. I need to stay fairly mobile to climb around those Dwemer ruins. INFO:19168185022403423458=Flim-Darr is an old friend. He helps our... business here. Deals in Dwemer contraband. He's a supplier, one of those scavengers that roots around the ruins spread across Vvardenfell. Now I'm not answering any more of your questions. INFO:192954990986332419=You got the key? By Bthanchend, I was here thinkin' I'd confused it with my chest key, or worse- that it'd never been found by me in the first place, and it was in some locked-up chamber that I'd never get to. That would have been a bummer, drag you out here for nothin'. Well alright bucko! Lets go open ourselves a door. Where did I put that door again... INFO:1943656313243021163=No more tests. You already getting cold feet? My feet are cold all the time. INFO:19460253202892318106=I met Flim-Darr at his house in Hla Oad, and he has begun giving me magical tests. Once I pass them, I'll be ready for his mission. His house is filled with Dwemer paraphernalia- it seems he's quite obsessed with them. INFO:1948972441248011447=You got scrap for me? INFO:1981226528212843485=This is the largest collection of Dwemer artifacts that I've ever seen... even a working, docile Steam Centurion! INFO:19834234093393569=The best Offense is a good Defense INFO:1994313403259724836=Right, see this hatch here? Schematics say it leads down into the disposal unit. Also says the rooms on the other side of our grates lead down to the same place. Not an adjacent place, just adjacent to it. See where I'm going with this? Now, it's a bit too hot down there for my blood, so you're going to have to solo this part. Probably a good idea to prime those flyin' spells of yours. To get the hatches open I'll need to fire up the grinders. Stay clear of them. I'd rather not have to find another mage. INFO:19950283021809231567=You forget where it is already? I thought there was a reason you kept that journal around everywhere you go. It's southwest of Hla Oad, floating in the ocean. Don't forget it this time. INFO:20018120021508031513=This is the largest collection of Dwemer artifacts that I've ever seen. Too bad their Steam Centurion was destroyed. INFO:20042408842712905=I told you, this here's MY ruin. Scavengin's a competitive trade, gotta protect what's yours. Loosen a nut here, shatter some bulbs near that pressure plate, you know, standard stuff. Keeps the scroungers away. I see your cogs turning now. Don't worry, I'm a professional, do what I say on the inside and most o' your limbs should survive the expedition. INFO:20333325362352513785=Yes. You flee that which you do not understand. INFO:2050540501596329015=Best damn Argonian I've ever met! He bought everyone drinks, and he's been playing darts here for awhile now. Usually I have to get the imported liquors out for the lizards, but no. He's a flin freak, through and through. He drank us out of it one night while going on about his daring adventures through Dwarven ruins. Gods know I won't be the one turning him in for illegal trade of dwemer artifacts. He even gave me a free Dwarf mug! Just don't tell the guard over there... INFO:20709292091998425703=Done scribbling in that journal of yours? Head on down the hatch, I'm ready when you are. INFO:20709292091998425703=Done scribbling in that journal of yours? Head on down the hatch, I'm ready when you are. INFO:2107314259527012619=I've brought Flim-Darr to a massive door within the depths of Mzelthuand. He has told me that he will explain its purpose soon. INFO:2137620911063230720=You got it. INFO:213822453732587552=AMBIENT GREETINGS INFO:21615111673091010441=Nope. Already did that. That's old flin now. Gotta move on in life, you know? INFO:21672152861274319345=Nothing I would tell you. Get lost. INFO:21735349162771826=Lizard man has funny sense of fashion. It cares not for how loud it is, literally and figuratively. INFO:220077881343924903=I can't wait to get back to the shack! INFO:2220830558920014136=A Lizard's Cogwork Dream INFO:2224729423431012121=Oh, you want the job? Don't work like that, kid. First you gotta earn it. Earn your keep. Whatever. I want to get something from this ruin. Holds somethin' really important, something I need. This collection here, these Dwemer artifacts? They ain't holdin' a candle to what's in that ruin. I read the schematics. I know what I need. Now I just gotta go and get it. You too, if you got the stones and kidneys for it. How long do you think you can hold your arm up in the air? INFO:22266248453156111275=Here ya' go. Don't make a mess. INFO:22513328818678387=Yeah, what's goin' on? INFO:2277197391011818924=No scrap for me today? Ah well. INFO:228352475112963928=Once you get past the grinders, there'll be a Bzanch coil. That's where you need the feather spell. You need to get the magnet in the coil to the other side. That'll cause an emergency override to occur, shutting off the grates. I think. Either that, or it'll kill us all. Anyway, the room's flooded with water, and the filtration system's off. Not good, buckaroo. You're gonna have to figure out how to freeze it before you can move that magnet. Good luck, and don't break anything before I've made it through! INFO:2355932225161732916=Yeah, there was a few spare pieces. Here. Thanks for the scrap, %pcname. INFO:235651984017642721=Need some help. Got a job for you. You got magic? INFO:23689123231912019949=Yep, this is the place. Well, not THE place. A misplace, but not far off. See that door up ahead? Ever seen one that big? Me neither. It's locked. I need it open. That's where you come in. Follow me, I'll give you the rundown. INFO:2383331817302789569=You've still got a few more tests before I'll be ready to trust my life in your hands. INFO:23953903156034819=I've finished scaling myself on Flim-Darr's contraption. INFO:2395410432130432317=This place is great, %pcname! Thanks for taking me here. Hey, ah... I've got somethin' for ya'. It's an Advanced Dwarven Crossbow. I was going to hang it up on my wall, but I might as well pay you for taking me all the way out here. INFO:24061109413084425663=I managed to magically move the cog into Flim-Darr's backyard, sans permanent emotional scarring. I'm finally done with Flim-Darr's tests. Now, to see what his job actually entails. INFO:241361067755868529=One thing I learned the hard way; unless you're chokin' the scrib, don't use your spit as lubricant. Damn nearly blew up my house that way. INFO:2417215946124191151=The lesser security measures of Mzelthuand have been deactivated. I should return to Flim-Darr. INFO:24514128772185827918=Key for that big door we saw earlier's probably in here, I'm guessin'. Maybe it's 'round here somewhere. Should be. Schematics don't say it's here, but... where else could it be? INFO:2455818407987522279=Job? Oh yeah, that. So I've been rooting 'round a Dwemer ruin. I love those guys. They had everything figured out. I think they figured too much out, because they're gone now. Probably ascended into some greater state of livin'. So I put this Dwemer Ruin in the Bitter Coast region. I wanna go check it out, but this ain't a solo job, buckaroo. I need another man. INFO:24596306061858528920=Don't tell anyone about my Dwarven mug, you hear me? INFO:2460412646912123738=Hey, you. Yeah, you. You want me to be a valuable asset in combat, right? Well buckaroo, you're in luck. Bring me some Dwemer scrap metal, and I'll be able to upgrade my armor. Don't like sharin' your loot, that's fine. But that stuff's heavy, and I doubt you'll find any other use for it. INFO:2465517629918632=All right! INFO:24757271612935827784=Maybe we'll all disappear one day. Mages Guild crackpot, sitting at his desk one day, *boom*. Miscalculates a number and sends everyone on Nirn up in smoke. Scary thought. Then again, maybe the Dwemer went somewhere nice. Better than here. INFO:2478912841208324636=Yeah, put it there. Messed around with some of the gears, pulled a few switches. Moved it. Was a heck of a long swim. Good thing I'm water friendly. I think we all are. Yeah. I never asked Fine-Mouth if he could do it. I just remember a lot of canal surfing. So, you game or what? INFO:249821091918486693=Alright buckaroo. Here's the deal: I need to know your weight while you're naked. Right. So you see that panel in the corner, the one that you can stand on? Get naked, go over there, stand on it, and press the four buttons. Doesn't matter what order, just do it. Okay? INFO:253722657297411437=Oh... -him-. Yeah, we saw him. He was walking around the guildhall, bumping into everything because of those damnable goggles of his. He looks like an ashlander, I swear. He told us that he was studying a Dwarven ruin in the Bitter Coast region; said that he put it there. Needless to say, no one here helped him out. INFO:254338642300137791=No more tests. Now's the time for action. INFO:254512552756874642=Yeah, there was a few spare pieces. Here. Thanks for the scrap, %pcname. INFO:2560112144924128603=I killed a clockwork dreugh within the testing lab. There's a Dwemer key on his body, most likely the one for the huge door we encountered earlier. Now that we've got the key, we should head for the door. INFO:25962253421287216918=I heard that there's a Dwemer museum somewhere in Vos. Always wanted to visit there. Never had the money to make the trip there and back. I wonder what kind of schematics they have there. INFO:2615126124170806375=You got scrap for me? INFO:262137567504325809=Since I didn't find the key in the Plumbed Shallows, Flim-Darr and I are going to try looking for it in the other room I unlocked. Apparently, it's a dreugh testing lab. INFO:26299219302099914164=That looks interesting. Real interesting. Matches the schematics, too. I can almost taste it... INFO:2657019059281654911=Sad. It is one of us, but not. It is like a wound, walking through life without purpose. Its connection to the hist has been severed; it is more smoothskin than marshbrother now. One wonders how it did not die as a hatchling. INFO:26643117133009228488=I've arrived at the part of the facility that will require the use of Feather and Frost spells. Flim-Darr said that the big magnet needs to be dragged to the other side of the Bzanch Coil, which will require the use of the Feather spell I made. The water flooding the room must be frozen before I'll be able to do that, however. That's where the frost spell will come in handy. INFO:26783151282704319472=You got scrap for me? INFO:26838228262012520787=Victory. INFO:26982298782144714076=Got somethin' for me, %pcname? INFO:2702018939276214560=Follow me. INFO:2704320892127571486=TESTING - THIS ENTRY AUTOMATICALLY COMPLETES EVERY TEST FOR NOW. INFO:27056105591170121763=Hmm... interesting. Not as long as I'd have liked, but what can you do? It'll work for our purposes. Good, good. That's test one. Can't talk here, though. Too many eyes, I've said too much. Meet me at my shack east of Hla Oad. We can talk further there. You can't miss me; I'll be the Argonian with the goggles on. You said you're SURE that you're a grade-A spellcaster, right? Okay. Meetcha' there. Don't tell anyone about the Dwemer ruin I made. INFO:27120319373206225828=All right! INFO:278743792546313184=Alright! Might I say, you look good in the nude. Not in a sexual way, in a "the beauty of the Aurbis" kinda way. Righto. INFO:2790316091751427429=Uh huh. Come back when you have it. INFO:2794920474138245379=See? Told you, nothing to worry about. Looks like there's no mess here at the end of the shaft either. Means we haven't had any unwelcome visitors. Good. I know you're going to want to take a look around sport, see the wonders of my ruin. Sure, I don't mind. Just hands off the artifacts until you've earned your share. When you're done ogling we need to head through that door there. Schematics call it the "Cells of Concatenation". INFO:28342260230894051=That's the one. Mzelthuand... ahh. The Dwemer had such an eloquent way of speaking. [Flim-Darr closes his eyes in bliss for a few seconds, savoring the word.] Right, *ehem*... so this ruin is in the ocean southwest of Hla Oad. It used to be in the inner sea, between Vvardenfell and the Mainland. I put it in the Bitter Coast region so that I could get to it easier. While I was rooting around in there, I came across an obstacle. Found some schematics, though. They're on the wall, at least I think they are. INFO:284023014665824416=Hey, just to let you know, you've given me enough scrap to upgrade my armor, so I did. I've still got a ways to go before this stuff'll be able to survive an encounter with the tower, but this'll do for now. Come back when you have more scrap. INFO:28675304862003924927=TEST ENTRY INFO:28761160333255810548=What does that key go to again? Huh. INFO:288967986378118943=After I brought the dart back to him, he gave me another test. He wishes for me to use my magic to find a key that he lost somewhere around the shack. INFO:2890178782433621483=Eh? I don't want that thing. The schematics said that there's a powered coherer that's been stored around here somewhere. I have to find it... INFO:2934611085197066823=Hey, you. Yeah, you. You want me to be a valuable asset in combat, right? Well buckaroo, you're in luck. Bring me some Dwemer scrap metal, and I'll be able to upgrade my armor. Don't like sharin' your loot, that's fine. But that stuff's heavy, and I doubt you'll find any other use for it. INFO:2935228780318095812=He's an eccentric Argonian that lives just east of town. I see him sneak into the back door of that Fatleg's Drop Off quite often. He must supply the tradehouse there. INFO:2952968372232029284=Prove it. INFO:296161532462924857=Flim-Darr is now asking me to head down into the disposal unit. Once I go down, he's going to turn on the grinders. It's about to get real hot, real fast. I'll have to think fast lest I want to be Mudcrab chowder. He says to go through a pipe in the ceiling to the north of where I'm going to drop down. He expects me to find a lever in the room above. INFO:3012627162185353213=Got a good setup in Hla Oad. Scavenge the Dwemer ruins, pick out the good stuff, then sell all the junk to Ra'Zhid. Gods know I have more Dwemer tubes than I know what to tube with. Even got a nice little path to the dropoff's back door; I don't ever need to tangle with the guards. INFO:30477267651261121999=No can do buckaroo. Not at this time. INFO:3049910513244946430=Good choice, bucko. Don't want me dyin' on you. INFO:305791161889921766=Yup. As my ma always said, "Great things come with hard work". This fan is a great thing, %pcname. You have no idea how hot this shack gets in the sweltering Bitter Coast summers. INFO:3076420817236333847=Hey there. INFO:307671265213518299=He finds things for us. INFO:308363164221724258=A few. Wait, uh... nevermind. This is the last one. Right, um... so next test, this'll be test... seven. I don't know I'm not keeping track anymore. Okay. There's this big Dwemer cog outside of the shack. I need you to... I need you to move it. I got too tired dragging it, %pcname. It's too heavy. I drug it... two miles from that Dwemer Ruin. I dragged and drug until I couldn't drag it anymore. Now I just get sad looking at it. INFO:31004638176533392=I've heard from the locals in Caldera that a strange Argonian with spectacles is looking for mages. He can be found in a tavern called Shenk's Shovel. INFO:31194168131639518472=I need to get out of here before I'm crushed and/or roasted alive! INFO:3123113293238736704=Here we are. [Flim Dar brings a stool to the center of the room, using it as a stepping stool to activate the dwemer machinery in the ceiling. With a bit of work, the machine starts to hum to life]. Ah. There we go. Nice and cool. INFO:313430653701310323=Flim-Darr, an Argonian in Shenk's Shovel, has asked for my help in excavating a Dwarven Ruin. I declined his offer. He didn't seem very phased by it, though. I'm fairly certain this isn't the first time that he's been declined. INFO:31478245028905917=I am Flim-Darr. Bravil Argonian, born and raised. INFO:315057820323721841=Empire made it illegal to trade in Dwemer goods. Gotta do it in secret. Even a cup's considered an artifact, even though it did then what it does now; holds my drink. Not like the Dwemer are around to tell us scavenger folk no, anyway. INFO:3178314511366725853=Good. I need a man with a very particular set of magical skills. Can't hire you if you can't even summon Vivec. INFO:3226186863026530937=Need some more juice for your... special toy? INFO:32348175162445319238=Sure. Here ya go, buckaroo. Oh and uh, drop by if you want to go scout out some more ruins, or if you just want to go bar hopping or something. I don't have many friends. INFO:326052944384838772=Flim-Darr has requested that I slide any extra scrap metal his way. Should I do so, he will upgrade his armor, making him harder to kill in combat. INFO:3519261251079220175=Finally! We've found it! This is what I've been looking for, %pcname. This is what was so important! Don'tcha see, buckaroo? This thing is vital to my research. You can keep that gizmo on the pedestal. Looks like a self-pleasure device- maybe you can have some sweet, sweet alone time with it. We need to take this coherer back to the shack as soon as possible. I've got something amazing to show you, %pcname. INFO:3585295532907232305=He sneaks in goods through the back door there from his house. That's all I know. Ra'Zhid seems fond of him. INFO:393527140288514796=Flim-Darr and I finally managed to activate the large Dwemer door that was blocking our path. Now, to see what's inside. INFO:398822382259711461=Hey, they're all cold! I might want to keep you around after the expedition, %pcname. That's solid work, really quality right there. Yeah. Uh... lets see, next test... INFO:400659082237863=Nope, not you. Gotta find another mage... INFO:4142281581552017780=What is it? INFO:429132687477624582=Job? Oh yeah, that. So I've been rooting 'round a Dwemer ruin. I love those guys. They had everything figured out. I think they figured too much out, because they're gone now. Probably ascended into some greater state of livin'. So I put this Dwemer Ruin in the Bitter Coast region. I wanna go check it out, but this ain't a solo job, buckaroo. I need another man. Or woman, as it were. I'm not saying that I'm a woman, I'm saying that you're a woman. INFO:44570881833326982=All right! INFO:488716888230583049=I'm finally done with Flim-Darr's tests. Now, to see what his job actually entails. INFO:5012170441844613673=Took ya' long enough. Let's go. Whatever you did in there shut off the grating on the other door, too. Guessing you didn't find the key, eh? Oh, and uh... yeah. Based on the schematics, we're gonna be headin' on into a dreugh testing lab. The Dwemer have had a long history with the Dreugh. It's long, complicated, and I don't know most of it. Just make sure you aren't lobotomized by errant machines. INFO:504031133129935933=Ah. Nothin' beats the smell of coherer powder in the morning. INFO:5482149322762220354=We fence his smuggled goods. What? You want me to lie about it? You double cross us and we'll kill you. There's a mutual level of trust involved here. INFO:5724331289520205=All right! INFO:59611198420665969=I have a theory about all those ghosts that haunt the ruins. You see, there ain't all that many. Ghosts, that is. Certainly not a nation's worth. So the way I figure it, the Dwemer disappeared and went to some kinda glorious afterlife with gears, babes, and booze, n'left all the bellyachers here. When they ascended, the rest died. So you've got a ghost problem. INFO:6371101628088788=QUEST GREETINGS ABOVE INFO:6371101628088788=QUEST GREETINGS ABOVE INFO:6733155761803814506=Then learn some. I certainly don't have time to. I'm no good at waving my hands around. Always end up knocking over things instead. Come back when you do know some spells. I'll have a job for you. INFO:673880654965955=Hey, just to let you know, you've given me enough scrap to upgrade my armor, so I did. I've still got a ways to go before this stuff'll be able to survive an encounter with the Eye of Argonia, but this'll do for now. Come back when you have more scrap. INFO:6744141211593925585=Best damn Argonian I've ever met! He bought everyone drinks, and he's been playing darts here for awhile now. Usually I have to get the imported liquors out for the lizards, but no. He's a flin freak, through and through. He drank us out of it one night while going on about his daring adventures through Dwarven ruins. Gods know I won't be the one turning him in for illegal trade of dwemer artifacts. He even gave me a free Dwarf mug! INFO:698271571590814579=You got the key? By Bthanchend, I was here thinkin' I'd confused it with my chest key, or worse- that it'd never been found by me in the first place, and it was in some locked-up chamber that I'd never get to. That would have been a bummer, drag you out here for nothin'. Well alright bucko! Lets go open ourselves a door. Where did I put that door again... INFO:730611441704723928=Hey, just to let you know, you've given me enough scrap to upgrade my armor, so I did. I've still got a ways to go before this stuff'll be able to survive an encounter with Vivec's Muatra, but this'll do for now. Come back when you have more scrap. INFO:741711372245983254=Yep, that'll just about do it, buckaroo. Alright, you're ready for the expedition to Mzelthuand. I just sure hope that the scratched-out parts of the ruin schematics weren't anything important... INFO:7804108873129130083=It's not going to hurt you. It'll just be scannin' your particles and using your weight to determine exactly how tall, long, and fat you are. As long as you don't have any dreugh blood in you, it shouldn't activate its self-defense protocols. INFO:7847312515456101=Deeper. You see them doors we passed by? The ones with gratings in front? My ruin's got even more secrets she's trying to keep to herself. Seems whatever locked down this big door here also barred those as well. Good news this time. Good for me, at least. I know another route to bypass those grates. Follow me. INFO:805018469318322126=Yeah, there was a few spare pieces. Here. Thanks for the scrap, %pcname. INFO:812144892967630150=All right, so this is what we're working with. See that slot? Key hole. Just your specialty, right? Well, believe me, I've turned this place upside down, literally, and not a key to be found. You can try your spells if you like, but my gut's telling me we need to go deeper. Usually a good idea to trust my gut, he's real familiar with the schematics. INFO:8180298253128717086=Yeah, there was a spare piece. Here. Thanks for the scrap, %pcname. INFO:83011354281546016=Flim-Darr's armor has been fully upgraded. He will now be a considerable force to be reckoned with. As he put it, he'll "be able to survive an encounter with a mudcrab". INFO:83146916431726808=Apparently Flim-Darr only wanted the powered coherer lying in the sand. He seems excited, and he wants me to take him back to his shack so he can show me something. This better be good. INFO:8354272572871410192=Eh? That's the lizard that gave me a free Dwarven bowl, right? I've been keeping my Hackle-lo in it. INFO:8388317142268316557=What? INFO:8526290821742611764=You passed the tests, remember? It'll work out. Right. It's all old flin now. Just like last time. Wait, did I give you the grinder test? Might have forgotten that one... You made it through the heat tank just fine though. Oh... huh, I never did get that bit working. Too clogged up. No matter, you're a mage! I'm sure you'll figure something out. INFO:8641223251225322825=I've finally unveiled the big surprise. Flim-Darr wanted a powered coherer... for his ceiling fan. That's what all of our work amounted to. He paid me 2000 gold, and told me that he'll continue to scavenge more ruins with me if I like. INFO:8731217461095818242=With a few adjustments from Flim-Darr, the lift should now be fully operational. INFO:87871139526854477=Head on down when you're ready, then give a yell when you've reached the lower hatch. I'll power up the unit to have it open up. After that it's going to get real hot down there, so look for another hatch to the north along the ceiling and fly on up through it. Careful of any other debris that might come falling down. That would be an untimely end to our expedition. Once you're on the other side, there's some more you'll need to do. INFO:8903626216545477=I'll never be the same... three weeks... three weeks dragging a cog through the rain, the thunder, the fog, the ash storms... INFO:895175853342629=Ah well. INFO:90527140649828772=Hey, just to let you know, you've given me enough scrap to upgrade my armor, so I did. I've still got a ways to go before this stuff'll be able to survive an encounter with an angry Ogrim Titan, but this'll do for now. Come back when you have more scrap. INFO:92014103976024697=I like my flin cold, %pcname. Reminds me of Bravil, when I'd go to the Mages Guild and pay their apprentices a couple'a septims to frost over my drinks. Those were the days. INFO:953230834211439246=I'm a scavenger by trade. I loot Dwemer ruins for a living, and for fun. You never know what you'll find in them hundred-year-old towers. INFO:9578224282125915571=What can I do ya' for? I mean... uh... what can I do for ya'? INFO:965122401234030610=Flim-Darr modified the Dwemer lift to Mzelthuand to be inoperable so that no other scavengers would break into the place. He'll have to tinker with it in order to get it operational. INFO:9729128971660822786=All right! INFO:975420827804432347=Yeah, I'm an Argonian. What? You don't think I sound like Argonians normally do? Ah, but you are right. I grew up in Bravil. My mom and dad were Imperials, so I have no connection to the hist. MISC:DD_2_FlimKey=Dwarven key MISC:DD_2_misc_coherer_powered=Powered Dwemer Coherer MISC:DD_2_misc_coherer_powered2=Powered Dwemer Coherer MISC:DD_2_misc_schematic00=Adjacent Motion Plans MISC:DD_2_QuestKey=Ornate Dwemer Key MISC:GDR_Misc_dwrv_knife1=Dwarven Knife MISC:GDR_Misc_dwrv_plate1a=Dwarven Plate MISC:GDR_Misc_dwrv_spoon1=Dwarven Spoon NPC_:DD_2_FlimDarr=Flim-Darr SPEL:DD_2_DisposalHeat=Scorching Heat SPEL:DD_2_FD_Armor1=Dwemer Armor, Mark I SPEL:DD_2_FD_Armor2=Dwemer Armor, Mark II SPEL:DD_2_FD_Armor3=Dwemer Armor, Mark III SPEL:DD_2_FD_Armor4=Dwemer Armor, Mark IV SPEL:DD_2_FD_Armor5=Dwemer Armor, Mark V SPEL:DD_2_FD_Armor6=Dwemer Armor, Mark VI SPEL:DD_2_FD_Armor7=Dwemer Armor, Mark VII SPEL:DD_2_FD_Armor8=Dwemer Armor, Mark VIII SPEL:DD_2_WaterBreathing=Flim-Darr's Argonian Abilities WEAP:DD_2_AdvancedDcb=Advanced Dwarven Crossbow WEAP:DD_2_DwemerDart=Dwarven Dart WEAP:DD_2_FlimDart=Worn Dwarven Dart WEAP:DD_2_TeleAmmo=Laterigrade Ammunition WEAP:DD_2_TeleDevice=Dwemer Laterigrade Manipulator WEAP:DD_2_w_dwrv_gun=Dwemer Laterigrade Manipulator Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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