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Реплейсеры анимаций

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  1. 1. Какую анимацию вы используете?

    • Реплейсер анимаций от Djok
    • Компиляция анимаций
    • Я не использую "Реплейсеры анимаций"

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Первое, что пришло на ум. Написать Hrnchamd и попросить внести в to-do list?
Хгмм. Тогда напишите кто-нибудь, а то я английского не знаю.
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Хгмм. Тогда напишите кто-нибудь, а то я английского не знаю.

Обалдеть! Вот так откровение - гуру Дез не знает ангельского =-O

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  • 11 месяцев спустя...

Крупнейший недостаток - это движения припадочного паралитика. Игра отличная, а вот с кинематикой плохо у них, выдрать бы хотя бы со Скайрима, уже бодрее намного шло бы дело. Оно и сейчас идёт, но в таких играх я всегда играл от третьего, а тут от первого играю всегда. Неохота на потуги глядеть эпилептические.

И все три реплейса анимаций не устраивают? Да вы, батенька, балованый.

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Правда из трех предложенных вариантов ни один нельзя назвать действительно удачным, имхо.
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Или в базе плагинов... Ясно. Ладно, я сейчас найду, конечно, но недостаток- то останется недостатком? Хотя на 2002 год, по-моему, и не было такого, листва на деревьях и т.д.. Хотя, к примеру, от песчаной бури как закрываются рукой, мелочь, а приятно.
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Ну и какие в них недостатки и собственно, где сами реплейсеры?

Ишь, нетерпеливый какой. Помнится, где-то я выкладывал уже их, но не могу найти пост.

А, вот, нашёл! http://www.fullrest.ru/forum/topic/36164-morrowind-fullrest-repack/page__view__findpost__p__801433

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Поставил компиляцию. С обливы движения, ну все равно плавнее уже.


Спасибо, мужик.

Изменено пользователем Tyddyner
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Если кому лень ставить AnimKit , вот сборка анимаций Dirnae, с последними правками Hrnchamd. Для гуманоидов и зверорас, только ходьба и бег. Распаковать в Data Files\Meshes.


Изменено пользователем raddimus
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Чем эта сборка отличается от компиляции?

Доступно 3 варианта установки:

Полный - бег, ходьба, бег с одноручным, удары одноручным, колдовство и анимации в виде от первого лица;

Ходьба, бег - только ходьба, бег, бег с одноручным и удары одноручным. БЕЗ анимаций от первого лица;

Ходьба, бег + заклинания - ходьба, бег, бег с одноручным, удары одноручным и колдовство. БЕЗ анимаций от первого лица.

Похожа на 2 вариант, но:

- нет анимации ударов одноручным оружием от 3 лица (например, в компиляции режущий удар от 1 лица - справа налево, а от 3 - слева направо :crazy: )

- правки Hrnchamd. Не знаю, какие из них были сделаны до включения в Animation Compilation, но вот они:

This is a small modification of Dirnae's animations. It changes the timings such that NPCs and humanoid creatures move at vanilla speed instead of being excessively sped up. It also makes first person footstep sounds play at standard speed.

v0.1.7 - Hand jitter with run animation fixed. Smooth as possible.

v0.1.6 - Fixes skip in walking animation at higher speeds

v0.1.5 - Fixes most glitchy transitions and Morrowind weirdness

v0.1 - Original animations, normalized timing

- добавлена Xanim_dancingGirl. Не заметил, что она лучше, но размер файлов чуть больше, чем в ванили. Можеть, чуть более плавная.

- добавлена анимация Dirnae для зверорас. Наиболее гладкая и прямолинейная, без покачиваний корпуса из стороны в сторону.


Похоже, первые 4 маленьких (160 байт) файла в архиве, созданные Animkit, лишние. Или я чего-то не знаю?

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То есть убран этот удар с Обливы режущий, ясно. Эта сборка лучше компиляции, по твоему?

Реплейсеры анимации - странный предмет. Кто-то на дух не переносит, кого-то тошнит от оригинальных. Меня раздражают только ходьба и бег.

Этот архив решил собрать для себя, с последними исправлениями, минимумом нестыковок и чтобы ничего лишнего. Есть одна проблема (как здесь, так и в минимальной версии компиляции) - отображение оружия при ходьбе и беге, от 1 и 3 лица; но большая разница была и в оригинале, а у Dirnae она значительно уменьшена.

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Хм, я совсем не в курсе, а посему нельзя ли видео какое, или в этом роде что нибудь? А то никогда не сталкивался с реплейсерами анимации :)
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Хм, я совсем не в курсе, а посему нельзя ли видео какое, или в этом роде что нибудь? А то никогда не сталкивался с реплейсерами анимации :)

Можно, но лень. Скопируй в Meshes. Запусти игру. Подвигай персонажа, посмотри на неписей. Не понравится - удали файлы, и всего делов.

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Можно, но лень. Скопируй в Meshes. Запусти игру. Подвигай персонажа, посмотри на неписей. Не понравится - удали файлы, и всего делов.

Для МФР 1.4 не подходит? В новой игре в Имперской Канцелярии персонажи не двигаются и сам зависаю.

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Для МФР 1.4 не подходит? В новой игре в Имперской Канцелярии персонажи не двигаются и сам зависаю.

Теоретически, для всего должно подходить.


Проверил на новой игре. Всё в порядке.

Либо у вас редкий баг, либо с репаком конфликт (что крайне маловероятно), либо те самые маленькие файлы мешают. Удалил их из архива, перезалил.



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Теоретически, для всего должно подходить.


Проверил на новой игре. Всё в порядке.

Либо у вас редкий баг, либо с репаком конфликт (что крайне маловероятно), либо те самые маленькие файлы мешают. Удалил их из архива, перезалил.



Репак переустановил, анимации закинул. Все равно с ними в Канцелярии зависает и ошибки лезут.



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NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle2" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle3" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle4" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle5" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle6" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle7" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle8" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle9" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idlehh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "IdleSwim" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Torch" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "KnockOut" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimKnockOut" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimWalkForward" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimWalkBack" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimWalkLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimWalkRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimRunForward" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimRunBack" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimRunLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimRunRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimTurnLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimTurnRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkForward" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkBack" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunForward" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunBack" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakForward" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakBack" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkForwardhh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkBackhh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkLefthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkRighthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnLefthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnRighthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunForwardhh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunBackhh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunLefthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunRighthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakForwardhh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakBackhh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakLefthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakRighthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkForward1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkBack1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkLeft1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkRight1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnLeft1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnRight1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunForward1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunBack1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunLeft1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunRight1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakForward1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakBack1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakLeft1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakRight1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkForward2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkBack2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkLeft2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkRight2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunForward2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunBack2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunLeft2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunRight2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnLeft2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnRight2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakForward2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakBack2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakLeft2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakRight2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkForward2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkBack2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkLeft2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkRight2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnLeft2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnRight2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunForward2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunBack2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunLeft2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunRight2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakForward2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakBack2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakLeft2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakRight2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "IdleSpell" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SpellTurnLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SpellTurnRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "IdleCrossbow" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "IdleSneak" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "IdleStorm" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_03.

Texture "Textures\Tx_BC_moss.tga" count 3.

Texture "Data Files\Textures\tx_bc_rock_03_nrm.dds" count 3.

Texture "Data Files\Textures\tad_rock_refl3b.dds" count 3.

Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.

Texture "Textures\menu_thick_border_bottom_right_corner.dds" count 2.



Ссылка на комментарий
Поделиться на другие сайты

Репак переустановил, анимации закинул. Все равно с ними в Канцелярии зависает и ошибки лезут.



Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_5.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_extrav_2_f.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_5.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_5.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_extrav_2_f.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_5.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_03.

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle2" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle3" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle4" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle5" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle6" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle7" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle8" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle9" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idlehh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "IdleSwim" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Torch" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "KnockOut" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimKnockOut" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimWalkForward" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimWalkBack" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimWalkLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimWalkRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimRunForward" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimRunBack" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimRunLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimRunRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimTurnLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SwimTurnRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkForward" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkBack" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunForward" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunBack" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakForward" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakBack" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkForwardhh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkBackhh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkLefthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkRighthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnLefthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnRighthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunForwardhh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunBackhh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunLefthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunRighthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakForwardhh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakBackhh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakLefthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakRighthh" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkForward1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkBack1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkLeft1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkRight1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnLeft1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnRight1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunForward1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunBack1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunLeft1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunRight1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakForward1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakBack1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakLeft1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakRight1h" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkForward2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkBack2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkLeft2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkRight2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunForward2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunBack2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunLeft2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunRight2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnLeft2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnRight2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakForward2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakBack2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakLeft2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakRight2c" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkForward2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkBack2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkLeft2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "WalkRight2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnLeft2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "TurnRight2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunForward2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunBack2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunLeft2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "RunRight2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakForward2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakBack2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakLeft2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SneakRight2w" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "IdleSpell" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SpellTurnLeft" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "SpellTurnRight" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "IdleCrossbow" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "IdleSneak" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

NiAnimation Error: Object "Bip01 R Toe0" not found in NiAnimation.

Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "IdleStorm" for "CLONE AM_Writer00000000".

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_03.

Texture "Textures\Tx_BC_moss.tga" count 3.

Texture "Data Files\Textures\tx_bc_rock_03_nrm.dds" count 3.

Texture "Data Files\Textures\tad_rock_refl3b.dds" count 3.

Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.

Texture "Textures\menu_thick_border_bottom_right_corner.dds" count 2.



Вот теперь всё ясно. Проблема в конфликте с каким-то (или обоими двумя) из Animated Morrowind. Очевидно, тамошние НИПы используют стандартные элементы анимаций, а они уже не те, что были прежде.

Интереса ради вычистите файлы сборки и попробуйте минимальную версию компиляции анимаций. Если с ней всё будет нормально - будет повод мне глубоко призадуматься.

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Поставил на тестовую сборку оба Анимированных Морровинда, начал новую игру. Никаких проблем, всё гладко. Так что либо вы что-то намудрили, либо несовместимость с репаком, но это очень маловероятно.


Проверьте кто-нибудь, у кого репак установлен!

Изменено пользователем raddimus
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Вот теперь всё ясно. Проблема в конфликте с каким-то (или обоими двумя) из Animated Morrowind. Очевидно, тамошние НИПы используют стандартные элементы анимаций, а они уже не те, что были прежде.

Интереса ради вычистите файлы сборки и попробуйте минимальную версию компиляции анимаций. Если с ней всё будет нормально - будет повод мне глубоко призадуматься.

С компиляцией все нормально стартует. А ошибки с прошлыми анимациями в Имперской Канцелярии пропадают если еще раз начать новую игру. Только я в Балморе посмотрел данмера с кинжалом и в храм зашел. Больше не ходил нигде. Жалко анимки подкрадывания нету.

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Жалко анимки подкрадывания нету.

Есть в модах Oshiel и Djok, но уж больно эта ходьба вприсядку странна.



Постскриптум. Тыдди, оформи шапку темы со ссылками на реплейсеры, чтоль...

Изменено пользователем raddimus
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