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Это Yasushi Ishii.

Пасиб-ки,Арвен :-)


Bloodhound Gang - The Ballad of Chasey Lain



Dear Chasey Lain

I wrote to explain

I'm your biggest fan

I just wanted to ask

Could I eat your ass?

Write back as soon as you can


You've had a lotta dick

Had a lotta dick

I've had a lotta time

Had a lotta time

You've had a lotta dick Chasey

But you ain't had mine


Dear Chasey Lain

I wrote to complain

Ya never wrote me back

How could I ever eat

Your ass when ya treat

Your biggest fan like that?


You've had a lotta dick

Had a lotta dick

I've had a lotta time

Had a lotta time

You've had a lotta dick Chasey

But you ain't had mine


Dear Chasey Lain

I wrote to constrain

This letter is my last

As your biggest fan

I must demand

You let me eat your ass


You've had a lotta dick

Had a lotta dick

I've had a lotta time

Had a lotta time

You've had a lotta dick Chasey

But you ain't had mine



Mom and Dad this is Chasey

Chasey this is my mom and dad

Now show 'em them titties

Now show 'em them titties



Mom and Dad this is Chasey

Chasey this is my mom and dad

Now show 'em them titties

Now show 'em them titties


Would ya fuck me for blow?

Изменено пользователем Kalian
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Alice in Chains - Dirt

Dirt 1992 [7/13]


I have never felt such frustration

Or lack of self control

I want you to kill me

And dig me under, I wanna live no more


One who doesn't care is one who shouldn't be

I've tried to hide myself from what is

wrong for me

For me


I want to taste dirty,a stinging pistol

In my mouth, on my tongue

I want you to scrape me from the walls

And go crazy like you've made me


One who doesn't care is one who shouldn't be

I've tried to hide myself from what is

wrong for me


One who doesn't care is one who shouldn't be

I've tried to hide myself from what is

wrong for me

For me


You, you are so special

You have the talent to

make me feel like dirt

And you, you use your

talent to dig me under

And cover me with dirt


One who doesn't care is one who shouldn't be

I've tried to hide myself from what is

wrong for me


One who doesn't care is one who shouldn't be

I've tried to hide myself from what is

wrong for me

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Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch


Ha-Ha! Well now we call this the act of mating

But there are several other very important differences

Between human beings and animals that you should know about


I'd appreciate your input


Sweat baby sweat baby sex is a Texas drought

Me and you do the kind of stuff that only Prince would sing about

So put your hands down my pants and I'll bet you'll feel nuts

Yes I'm Siskel yes I'm Ebert and you're getting two thumbs up

You've had enough of two-hand touch you want it rough you're out of bounds

I want you smothered want you covered like my Waffle House hashbrowns

Come quicker than FedEx never reach an apex like Coca-Cola stock you are


To make me rise an hour early just like Daylight Savings Time


Do it now

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Do it again now

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Gettin' horny now


Love the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket

Like the lost catacombs of Egypt only God knows where we stuck it

Hieroglyphics? Let me be Pacific I wanna be down in your South Seas

But I got this notion that the motion of your ocean means "Small Craft


So if I capsize on your thighs high tide B-5 you sunk my battleship

Please turn me on I'm Mister Coffee with an automatic drip

So show me yours I'll show you mine "Tool Time" you'll Lovett just like Lyle

And then we'll do it doggy style so we can both watch "X-Files"


Do it now

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Do it again now

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Gettin' horny now


You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Do it again now

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Do it now

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Do it again now

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Gettin' horny now

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Death - Scream Bloody Gore


Decapitated head licking your cunt

Sucking all the blood from your stump

Intestinal guts taking their hold

Leaving you dead, stiff and cold


Controlling the minds of the bloodthristy dead

Unholy seizure slicing through your head

Who will survive only time will tell

Dripping from your mouth comes a rancid smell

Lobotomised corpse shredding your flesh

Leaving your body a bloody mess


Scream bloody gore

Scream bloody gore


Inject the reborn terror, the blood comes spurting out

Another to control, add it to your count

Orders to destroy, rip and tear apart

Wishing for the end, your dead is just the start


Controlling the minds of the bloodthristy dead

Unholy seizure slicing through your head

Who will survive only time will tell

Dripping from your mouth comes a rancid smell

Lobotomised corpse shredding your flesh

Leaving your body a bloody mess


Scream bloody gore

Scream bloody gore


Armies of the dead

Hail their leader's head

Hungry for the flesh

While it's warm and fresh


Through the smoke who will see

Who will come out alive?

Now it's your turn to feel the pain

Now it's your turn to die

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Бунт на корабле - Месть Гарри


Жизнь Была Хороша: Свободная Разбойничья Душа!

А Теперь, Точно В Ряд, Валяются Бандиты, Будто Спят.

Гарри Нам Удружил: В Еду, Мерзавец, Яду Подложил,

Не Успел Убежать, И Пули В Лоб Ему Не Избежать!


А, Ну-ка, Выбей, Брат, Ему Последний Зуб!!!

Мы Все - Покойники, Он Тоже Будт Труп!!!


Всем Гореть Нам В Аду!

Стервятники Почуяли Еду!

Каждый Кто Умирал,

Зуб Гарри, Подползая, Выбивал.

Он Хорош Был В Бою,

А После Изнасиловал Свинью.

Ржали Все, Как Один,

За Это Он И Отомстил, Кретин!


А, Ну-ка, Выбей, Брат, Ему Последний Зуб!!!

Мы Все - Покойники, Он Тоже Будт Труп!!!

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Adorned Brood - The Ambush


The journey went on, through a black

forest of misfortune.

Woods of murderers and scum.

Far away they heard laughter.

Many eyes followed them.

Narog scented their were being watched.


"The second trial is awaiting you."

"In the battle I will be on your side.

My sword will kill for you."


The scum attacked from the ambush.

A violent battle began.

The bodies of the scum were torn into pieces by the swords.

The blades were drilled deeply into the scum's bodies.

The silence turned into beastly screams.

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Why don't you ask god kids at Tiananmen Square,

The fashion reason why they were there?

They disguise it,

Hypnotize it,

Television made you buy it.


I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my--


She's scared that I will take her away from there.

Dreams and her country left with no one there.

Mezmerize the,

Simple minded,


Leaves us blinded.


I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my girl.

I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my girl.

I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my girl.

I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my girl.

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Мищуки - Ветровое стекло :D




Проснуться в восемь и глядеть в окно,


Весна иль осень - это все равно.


Лишь только б мимо всюду и всегда


В порывах дыма мчались поезда.


А лучше нету той ли кочевой,

По белу свету в тряске грузовой,

Чтоб ветер воя падал тяжело

На ветровое мокрое стекло.


Я жил с собой, я всеми вами жил,

Бросался в бой и плакал у могил.

А время шло, мужая и борясь,

И на стекло отбрасывало грязь.


Я рукавом стирал ее во мгле,

На ветровом исхлестанном стекле.

Я так люблю дорогу узнавать,

Припав к рулю о многом забывать.


В метель, грозу лишь руку подними -

Я подвезу бесплатно, черт возьми,

Тебя бесплатно подвезти клянусь

Зато обратно больше не вернусь.


Всегда вдвоем довольные судьбой,

Мы не даем покоя нам с тобой.

И смотрят двое весело и зло

Сквозь ветровое грязное стекло.

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Alice in Chains - Grind

Alice in Chains 1995 [1/12]


In the darkest hole, you'd be well advised

Not to plan my funeral before the body dies, yeah

Come the morning light, it's a see through show

What you may have heard and what you think you know, yeah


Let the sun never blind your eyes

Let me sleep so my teeth won't grind

Hear a sound from a voice inside


Sure to play a part, so you love the game

And in truth your lies become one and same, yeah

I could set you free, rather hear the sound

Of your body breaking as I take you down, yeah


Let the sun never blind your eyes

Let me sleep so my teeth won't grind

Hear a sound from a voice inside


In the darkest hole, you'd be well advised

Not to plan my funeral before the body dies, yeah


Let the sun never blind your eyes

Let me sleep so my teeth won't grind

Hear a sound from a voice inside

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Moonspell - Night Eternal

Night Eternal, 2008


Come morning, chalice of dawn

To crown the Sufferer in their glory

Come for we are failing

Come for we are waiting

For we are trying to breathe


First in the skies, apocalypse

Only your fury can set us free

Come for we are failing

Come for we are waiting

For we are trying to breed


Night eternal, our world is burning

Bride eternal, our world is dying


Come forth, for we are blood

And to blood we shall return


“And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of saints,

and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus”


Night eternal, our world is burning

Bride eternal, our world is dying

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А в Горобейка Жінка Маленька :-D :-D

Гаївки: Відродження/Весна Світа




А в Горобейка Жінка Маленька


Дівчата беруться за руки і співають.

Під час співу дві крайні Дівчини підіймають руки

і пропускають попід ними всіх інших:


А в Горобейка Жінка Маленька

Сидить на Кілочку пряде на Сорочку

Що виведе нитку Гороб'ю на Свитку

Остануться кінці Гороб'ю на Штанці

Остануться торочки Гороб'ю на Сорочки

Изменено пользователем Конан-Киммериец
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Nirvana - The Man Who Sold he World

MTV Unplugged in New York 1993 [4/14]


We passed upon the stair, we spoke in was and when

Although I wasn't there, he said I was his friend

Which came as a surprise, I spoke into his eyes

I thought you died alone, a long long time ago


Oh no, not me

We never lost control

You're face to face

With The Man Who Sold The World


I laughed and shook his hand, and made my way back home

I searched for a foreign land, for years and years I roamed

I gazed a gazeless stair, we walked a million hills

I must have died alone, a long long time ago


Who knows? Not me

I never lost control

You're face to face

With the Man who Sold the World


Who knows? not me

We never lost control

You're face to face

With the Man who Sold the World

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Мельница- Воин Вереска



Над болотом туман, волчий вой заметает следы;


Я бы думал, что пьян - так испил лишь студеной воды


Из кувшина, что ты мне подала, провожая в дорогу,


Из которой я никогда не вернусь; жди - не жди, никогда не вернусь...



И не сомкнуть кольцо седых холмов,


И узок путь по лезвию дождя,


И не ищи - ты не найдешь следов,


Что Воин Вереска оставил, уходя.


Словно раненый зверь, я бесшумно пройду по струне;

Я не стою, поверь, чтоб ты слезы лила обо мне,

Чтоб ты шла по следам моей крови во тьме - по бруснике во мхе

До ворот, за которыми холод и мгла, - ты не знаешь, там холод и мгла.




Ты однажды вдохнешь терпкий ладан октябрьской луны,

В сердце сдвинется нож, боль поднимется из глубины;

Неужели ты ждешь воплощенье беды, духа сумрачной стали,

Чтобы снова дать мне напиться воды, этой пьяной хрустальной воды?..



И не сомкнуть кольцо седых холмов,


И узок путь по лезвию дождя,


И не ищи - ты не найдешь следов,


Что Воин Вереска оставил, уходя.

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Avantasia - Sign of the Cross

The Metal Opera Part I 2001 [12/13]



From a world of reign they come...



In a world of mammon we have found it all!

Fighting for pride and for gold.

But the key to the reign, to the ultimate control:

wisdom of the old.


We have been elect to drain the wine

of Gnosis to hide it and pray.

Got to save our children from the beast.

We are on the way.



Remaining in darkness

the land of salvation will drown.

And when we'll have vanished

slavery will take your freedom down.



Seven eyes to be blind forever in time:

Sign of the cross...

Hell arise! Castigation under the sign,

sign of the cross - make us drown in altar wine


[bishop von Bicken]

In the heart of justice called Horeb long ago

Moses got carvings in stone.

Imposed to judge those who do not fear

the only, the holy, the lord



The blood of anger and pain:

Ink of the Old Testament

I know they'll end their crusade

drown in the blood of the lamb



Remaining in darkness

the land of salvation will drown.

And when we'll have vanished

slavery will take your freedom down.



Seven eyes to be blind forever in time:

Sign of the cross...

Hell arise! Castigation under the sign,

sign of the cross - make us drown in altar wine



You have been the chosen one,

so welcome to this place.

Vandroiy's told us you would come

to help us win the race.

Bring back the seal from the men

who don't know what they do.

Seemed to be a fool without an own way of life.

But you've been a sleeping mind

and you woke up on time.

You've got the power to save us and finally you.



A dream is forever.

The land of salvation can't drown.

These enchanting colors -

who could have the might to tear it down?

(all these colors - fantasy...)


Seven eyes to be blind forever in time:

Sign of the cross...

Hell arise! Castigation under the sign,

sign of the cross - make us drown in altar wine


Hell arise! Follow the Sign

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АлисА - Лень


Завиты пеплом щели паркета,

В форточку лезут запахи лета.

А по эту сторону стекла для просмотра затмений

Летает запах патологической лени.


Покрылась пылью муха на ноге,

Лежит и дремлет, приятно ей и мне.

Она мечтает о том, о чем и я,

А значит, мы по разуму друзья.


Лень неизличима, лень непобедима,

Лень просто необходима тем, кто выпил пива.


К лени в плен попасть довольно просто -

Плюнь на все и зарости каростой.

Научись питаться шумом трамваев

И скоро станешь неподражаем.


Лень неизличима, лень непобедима,

Лень просто необходима тем, кто выпил пива с рыбой.

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Jefferson Airplane White Rabbit


One pill makes you larger

And one pill makes you small

And the ones that mother gives you

Don't do anything at all

Go ask Alice

When she's ten feet tall


And if you go chasing rabbits

And you know you're going to fall

Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar

Has given you the call

Recall Alice

When she was just small


When men on the chessboard

Get up and tell you where to go

And you've just had some kind of mushroom

And your mind is moving slow

Go ask Alice

I think she'll know


When logic and proportion

Have fallen sloppy dead

And the White Knight is talking backwards

And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"

Remember what the dormouse said:

Feed your head!



- Бармен! Еще мескалинчику, пожалуйста :kalian:

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IN EXTREMO - Rattenfaenger


Ich bin der wohlbekannte Singer

Der vielgereiste Rattenfaenger

Den diese altberaehmte Stadt

Gewiss besonders nutig hat

Und waerens Ratten noch so viele

Und wдren Wiesel mit im Spiele

Von allen saeubere ich diesen Ort

Sie mьssen alle mit mir fort

Von allen sдubere ich diesen Ort

Sie mussen alle mit mir fort


Dann ist der gutgelaunte Sдnger

Mitunter auch ein Kinderfдnger

Der selbst die wildesten bezwingt

Wenn er die goldenen Mдrchen singt

Und wдren Knaben noch so trutzig

Und wдren Maedchen noch so stutzig

In meine Seiten greif ich ein

Sie mussen alle mit mir heim

In meine Seiten greif ich ein

Sie mussen alle mit mir heim


Greif ich einen Akkord

Gehen sie mit mir fort

Mit dem ganzen Pack

Verlasse ich die Stadt

In der Nacht, in der Nacht

In der Nacht, in der Nacht

In der Nacht, in der Nacht

In der Nacht auf der Jagd


Dann ist der vielgewandte Singer

Gelegentlich ein Maedchenfaenger

In keinem Staedtchen langt er an

Wo er`s nicht mancher angetan

Und wдren Madchen noch so цde

Und waeren Weiber noch so sprцde

Doch allen wird so liebesbang

Bei Zaubersaiten und Gesang

Doch allen wird so liebesbang

Bei Zaubersaiten und Gesang


Greif ich einen Akkord

Gehen sie mit mir fort

Mit dem ganzen Pack

Verlasse ich die Stadt

In der Nacht, in der Nacht

In der Nacht, in der Nacht

In der Nacht, in der Nacht

In der Nacht auf der Jagd


Euch zum Spott und Hohn

Hole ich nun meinen Lohn


P.S. грамматика почти сохранена.

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Phantom Bertha - Igni natura renovatur integra

Черные плакальщицы, 2000


Священный символ темноты откровением

Из лабиринта выход - знак на дверях

Остались звучать вопросы ответов

Последний шанс, последний шаг.


Сгорая, раздвигают темноты пределы

Медленно плавит огонь воск

На грани падения в ночь тела

День за днём, за годом год


Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!


Плакальщиц слёзы в чёрном сне траура

И в нарушение молчания сакральной тьмы

Несказанных несколько слов смерти

Вне времени несколько слов любви.

Уходят, в бесконечность свою возвращаясь

Оставшись пылью в дорожной пыли

Как влитые в камень ожидания жизни

Несут в себе смертельную тяжесть земли


Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!


Полые дни и долгие ночи

Где лезвие длиннее, а жизнь короче

Возводит пустота на эшафоты сомнений

И двое за спиной всегда рядом тенью.

Жизнь как выстрел - нажми на курок

В плавильных печах для стали свой срок

Будущее ожогом приходит сейчас

Пока факел времени не погас.


Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!


Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!

Igni natura renovatur integra!

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Alice in Chains - Sludge Factory

Alice in Chains 1995 [3/12]


You insult me in my home, you're forgiven this time

Things go well, your eyes dilate, you shake, and I'm high?

Look in my eyes deep and watch the clouds change with time

20 hours won't print my picture milk carton size

Carton size

Carton size

Carton size

Carton size


Call me up congratulations ain't the real why

There's no pressure besides brilliance let's say by day 9

Endless corporate ignorance lets me control time

By the way

By the way

By the way

By the way


Once again you see an in, discolored skin gives you away

So afraid you kindly gurgle, out a date for me


Now the body of one soul I adore wants to die

You have always told me you'd not live past 25

I say stay long enough to repay all who cause strife


Once again you see an in, discolored skin gives you away

So afraid you kindly gurgle, out a date for me


Once again you see an in, discolored skin gives you away

So afraid you kindly gurgle, out a date for me

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Tunes of Dawn - Death is Beautiful

Of Tragedies in the Morning & Solutions in the Evening, 2008


Why do you think the night is yours?

Cemetary dance on seven floors.

Await the daylight passing by

Break on through the fallen sky.


Death is beautiful.

To die is wonderful.


Mercilessness against yourself

So deep in mourn a cry for help.

Await the daylight passing by

Break on through the fallen sky.


Why do you think the night is yours?

Cemetary dance on seven floors.

Await the daylight passing by

Break on through the twilight sky.

Cruelty against yourself

So deep in mourn a cry for help.

Why do you think the night is yours?

Cemetary dance on seven floors.

Don’t close your eyes, no fairytale,

Save the planet, kill yourself

No smile that you can call your own,

Sick and numb by fear you frown...


Death is beautiful.

To die is wonderful.


Death is beautiful.

To die is wonderful.

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Accept - Living For Tonite

Metal Heart (1985)


Always on the run

Where you are going, what you are doing

Looking just for fun

Love for twilight, love the dark


Rats – are all around

And I am waiting for a head

Take what you want

And if you need it take it now

Guess it will be just alright


I'm living for tonite – tonite

Living for tonite – tonite


Working out my way

Find some ramp-rats, find some victims

Bad games all night long

We need to hide it just for fun


Games – we shouldn't play

And if you need some help – just wait

I'm going ot into the dark

Guess it will be just alright


I'm living for tonite – tonite

Living for tonite – tonite


Gimme your body

Take what you want

Can't wait anymore


I'm living for tonite – living for tonite

Tonite – living for tonite

Tonite – living for tonite

Tonite – I'm living, living for tonite

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Metallica - Master of Puppets

Master of Puppets 1986 [2/8]


End of passion play, crumbling away

I'm your source of self-destruction

Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear

Leading on your deaths construction

Taste me you will see

More is all you need

Dedicated to

How I'm killing you


Come crawling faster

Obey your Master

Your life burns faster

Obey your Master



Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings

Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams

Blinded by me, you can't see a thing

Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream



Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream




Needlework the way, never you betray

Line of death becoming clearer

Pain monopoly, ritual misery

Chop your breakfast on a mirror

Taste me you will see

More is all you need

Dedicated to

How I'm killing you


Come crawling faster

Obey your Master

Your life burns faster

Obey your Master



Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings

Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams

Blinded by me, you can't see a thing

Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream



Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream




Master, Master, where's the dreams that I've been after?

Master, Master, you promised only lies

Laughter, laughter, all I hear or see is laughter

Laughter, laughter, laughing at my cries

Speak to me!

Hell is worth all that, natural habitat

Just a rhyme without a reason

Neverending phase, Drift on numbered days

Now your life is out of season

I will occupy

I will help you die

I will run through you

Now I rule you too


Come crawling faster

Obey your Master

Your life burns faster

Obey your Master



Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings

Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams

Blinded by me, you can't see a thing

Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream



Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream



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Title: Towards The End

Artist: Within Temptation

Album: Stand My Ground EP


The turn against

The world we know

Now our destiny

Will be decided

We have to send our brothers in arms

With pain in our hearts

We watched them go

Will they return?


Truth is we had no choice

We'll try to shield those we can

No better world

Let this end

Mothers cry

Our boys die

But we'll stand 'till the end




Title: Jane Doe

Artist: Within Temptation


Why, you just won't leave my mind

Was this the only way

I couldn't let you stay

Run away, hide away

the secrets in your mind

Sacrificed just her lif

for a higher love

No matter how many stones you put insid

She always keeps on floating in your mind

With every turn of your head you see her face again

until the end, over and over again

Why, you just won't leave my mind

Was this the only way

I couldn't let you stay

Told the truth she laughed at you

Something snapped inside

She had to go or they would know

all you tried to hide

The sins of your life are now catching up with you.

You can't stay ahead, there's nothing you can do

With every turn of your head you see her face again

until the end, over and over again

Why, you just won't leave my mind

Was this the only way

I couldn't let you stay

Why, you just won't leave my mind

Was this the only way

Was this the only way


I couldn't let you stay

I couldn't let you stay


Why, you just won't leave my mind

Why, you just won't leave my mind


Was this the only way

Was this the only way


I couldn't let you stay

I couldn't let you stay

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Rage - Faith

Reflections Of A Shadow (1990)


Please stay here, don't run away and slam the door

I think we got to talk it over just once more

Are we ever right in the face of the big truth?

So why fighting for a lie?


Don't lose your faith

Whatever comes to you

Cause time works for those who believe

We'll get it right anew


Don't you lose your faith

Don't every turn away

I'm thinking about the truth there is

Forgotten in a lie


We are branches on the tree of life. We can

Only get together by touching with our leaves

But we got the same roots close in ourselves

So let's grow up to the sky


Like a story or a song

Sleeping till it will be sung

Our future lies unfolded

Let's forget it when we've done us wrong


After all you've put me through

There is always something new

Got to face the tests of time

Guess there's nothing me that we can do

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Breaking Benjamin - Dance With The Devil Lyrics


Here I stand, helpless and left for dead.

Close your eyes, so many days go by.

Easy to find what's wrong, harder to find what's right.


I believe in you, I can show you that I can see right through all your empty lies.


I won't stay long, in this world so wrong.



Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.

Don't you dare look at him in the eye, as we dance with the devil tonight?


Trembling, crawling across my skin.

Feeling your cold dead eyes, stealing the life of mine.


I believe in you, I can show you that I can see right through all your empty lies.


I won't last long, in this world so wrong.




Hold on. Hold on.




Hold on. Hold on.



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