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Arcimaestro Antares

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Мимопроходимец (1/14)

  1. Kalian talked about it on Bethesda Forums. I know just it is mod with quests and voices... It sounded interesting... so, what happened?
  2. Sometime ago, Sirius informed me about this project of translation, and pointed me to this site. So, I came here to see if it was completed, in order to add a link to the Russian version, in its page on Planet Elder Scrolls and on my site. At the moment, I am not going to update it, unless someone will find any relevant bug. Anyway, if I remember correctly, there was a russian mod that was ready to be translated in english... what about it?
  3. Actually, the latest version is the 2.4.3. It has not significative improvements. I was playing as Archmagister of House Telvanni, when I talked to a guard and he told me: "I am an officer of the imperial law. MOVE ALONG". :blink: So, I decided to change it. Now, if a lower ranking member of House Telvanni meets me, he says:"A warm welcome to you" and "How can I be of service to you?"
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