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Цытрусовый Раб Отаку

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Сообщения, опубликованные Цытрусовый Раб Отаку

  1. Концепт арт вообще фз причём он к плагину и к двемерам.

    Да и имперские дома в воздухе вместе с пальмами выглядят как-то слишком сурово для меня.

  2. Только вспомните многомиллионные проекты, где корявая анимации ходьбы и бега, это же сразу бросается в глаза. Не по теме, но хороших и качественных причёсок я также не вижу.

    А ты вспомни в каком году это делалось, и какие сейчас технологии.

  3. Вот моя проблема, с дистантлендом. Понять не могу отчего (только не смотрите на фпс)

    Попробуй пересгенерирывать ландшафт.

    Какой билд стоит?


    А мне кажется всегда в этом плане он будет недопилен. Но тебе с i7 и 5700 чего то жаловаться?

    Таки нет, обещают оптимизирывать код.

  4. Вышла новая версия:



    The new beta build of MGE is ready: MGE 3.8.2 revision 161


    Changes (since rev. 145):


    Added: new variables to be saved to MGE.ini ("Shader Model", "Blur Water Reflections", "Water Wave Height", "Water Caustics Intensity", "Use Exponential Fog") [rev. 157]

    Added: Yes/No as additionally supported boolean type of MGE.ini [rev. 157]

    Changed: enabled the option for selecting "Shader Model" for Distant Land, and if Shader Model 3.0 is set, then exponential fog, reflection blur, wave height, and water caustics settings [rev. 157]

    Changed: time of displaying tooltips (when you hover the mouse cursor over a control, to see a short description of that control) to be dependent on tooltip text length [rev. 157]

    Changed: auto-calculation of "Fog Start Above Water" to be 0.05 * draw_distance, and to include "Exponential Fog" option changes [rev. 157]

    Changed: auto-calculation of "Far Statics End Distance" to be a half of distance between "Very Far Statics End" and "Near Statics End" distances, and to include "Exponential Fog" option used [rev. 157]

    Changed: draw distance to be 4 times the "Fog Above Water End", and max. value of end fog to be 75, when exponential fog option is used [rev. 157]

    Changed: layout and anchors of some controls, and removed previously hidden "Distant Blur" controls [rev. 157]

    Removed: saving of "Distant Blur Strength" from MGE.ini (the old setting isn't automatically removed, if it's present in the file) [rev. 157]



    Fixed: (by LizTail) problem with incorrect matrix being restored after zooming [rev. 147]

    Fixed: (by LizTail) the crash when water was trying to render when starting a new game with distant land disabled [rev. 156]

    Fixed: (by LizTail) issue where frame rate would slow down when reflections were turned off because the reflection culling task was submitted but never used [rev. 158]

    Fixed: a crash on Morrowind start when "Keep FPS constant" option is used [rev. 157]

    Fixed: a crash when screen resolution is changed with MGE or MWSE shaders being used [rev. 157]

    Fixed: vertex shader warnings on Morrowind start, and a crash on first loaded exterior cell, when Distant Land feature is disabled in MGEgui [rev. 160]

    Fixed: a possible crash when Morrowind memory map isn't initialized yet on Morrowind start, when Distant Land feature is disabled [rev. 160]

    Added: UTF-8 text reading from MGE.ini (e.g. for screenshots folder or file name having non-ASCII characters - they are converted to ANSI encoding, so no characters out of current code page can be used for the names) [rev. 157]

    Added: reading of Yes/No as additional boolean type of MGE.ini [rev. 157]

    Added: reading of new variables from MGE.ini for conditional compiling of InGame.fx shaders (additional options are set to their read values only when proper Shader Model is set) [rev. 157]

    Changed: (by LizTail) limited Distant Land to load one time only (cuts the chances of a crash occurring and makes Morrowind come back a lot faster - see NOTES) [rev. 156]



    Added: conditional compiling of shader functions depending on selected Shader Model and a few other options set from Distant Land tab of MGEgui (exponential fog, blurred reflections, wave height, caustics intensity) [rev. 157]

    Added: internal version of Improved Water Shader, compiled conditionally when Shader Model 3.0 is selected in Distant Land tab of MGEgui [rev. 157]

    Added: (by LizTail) an AlphaMultiplier constant to InGame.fx, so that NVIDIA and ATI cards can have different numbers multiplied with alpha to make alpha to coverage look the best on each one [rev. 159]

    Fixed: default Distant Land Shader Model 2.0 water to be compatible with phal's water normal textures [rev. 161]



    Changed: the default water normal textures to phal's, taken from Improved Water Shader (hence the increased size of the archive) [rev. 161]

  5. Я не знаю, потенциальный ли он или понециальный, но выглядит здорово.

    А насчёт неба, там не ретекстуры, там чтото Phal своё делает.

    Кстати хорошая идея сделать вкладку light настоящими источниками света.

    А что насчёт облаков?

  6. Так-же Peachy занимался нормал маппингом:



    Я у него тоже спрашивал насчёт этого давно:




    This progress is going quite faster than that. I keep having the strangest issues with the light code, and I can't figure out how I got it working the first time around. But I will eventually get it to work, that is for certain.




    И так-же хотел у тебя спросить

    Сделал ли vtastek этот шейдер?

  7. В чём заключается реорганизация кода?

    Я общался с Phal-ом:




    Hello Phal, i saw your wonderfull screens, and decided to ask you about a progress with that.







    Not much, sadly. I was able to make the seam between MW fog and my new fog almost unnoticable, but the new sky colors still only look right with nice weather.

    I could, however, release an InGame.fx shader file with the original MW fog color, but with the more realistic fog density formula. I will probably do that after MGE rev118 is released.


    And what about normal mapping?


    Don't know yet. Real normal mapping would require big additions to the MGE code. Peachykeen has been writing a fullscreen shader that adds fake normal mapping to everything. While it works in general, its visual quality as well as its performance will never reach real normal mapping.

    I'm gonna concentrate on the more imminent problems and bugs and the easier-to-implement stuff in MGE in the next time, so don't expect any great news about normal maps in the following weeks. But this is definetely something which I will look into sooner or later


    насколько я понял он работает над туманом, и так-же по идее пытается создать источник света(?)



    Кстати, я вот видел скрины облаков настоящих и теней от неба, это ещё в разработке или уже что то из этого готово?

    Я об этом:











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