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Весь контент Анархист
С прошедшим! Кстати, не отвалятся. Особенно если хотя бы раз в неделю заходить. ))
Большое всем огромное спасибо, очень приятно. :'-(
Scorpions - Lonely Nights Face The Heat (1993) Since you're gone There is an empty space Since you're gone The world is not the same I go back to the places we've been It feels like you're still there I live all those moments again Wishing you were here Since you're gone There is an lonely heart Since you're gone Nothin' is like it was There are memories all over the place Bringin' it back all so clear Remember all of those days Wishing you were here All those lonely nights I gotta fight for you, yes I do Yes I do Since you're gone There is a heart that bleeds Since you're gone I'm not the man I used to be I follow you steps in the snow The traces disappear We know what we've lost when it's gone I'm wishing you were here All those lonely nights I gotta fight for you, yes I do Yes I do
Это твоя темная аура. :)))) Касательно игры, что на данный момент стоит ставить и что появилось нового, в том числе и по модам. В натив наигрался еще два месяца назад (а то и до нового года... ), но сейчас и версия игры обновилась и моды появились. В общем кто что посоветовать может?
Удаляй трибунал и блудмун. Потом в папку с морровиндом ставишь сначала трибунал, потом в ту же папку блудмун. )))))))
Запускай в окне. А вообще моррик не любит, чтоб его сворачивали. Попробуй альт+табом пользоваться. Снеси беттер хедс, если думаешь, что трабла в них.
Можешь трупов поднимать.
Могу, конечно, но не буду. Дабы интерес разжечь, завтра уже должны в базе быть, немного терпения. Только не тут. Впервые столько удовольствия от некромантии получаю. ))))
Blind Guardian - Guardian Of The Blind Batallions Of Fear (1988) Extermination thunder the strange one is back again Lost by our only power it's aura will grind us out forever Fall into a dark dream that we got once the part it's real you won't believe We're watching our own agony many years ago Seven little children stand against the ghost Believing is the answer but you've lost before Find back to your infancy it's time to die I've been the herdsman you've been my sheep I find taste on lampskin everything's allright killing for the thirst for small children sweat I give them illusions to raise their fear Hear the crying dying child it's music to my ears Feel the sweetness of it's death everything's allright But there's a new feeling I've never known There must be a third one a mighty guardian Guardian, Guardian, Guardian of the Blind Now it feel the curse of heaven Guardian, Guardian, Guardian of the Blind Now it feel the curse of the child Dark is it's world. and lonely we're reaching it again Fear our returning visions to madness we'll fall if we can't kill the beast forever we must die now One has blown his life away Once we were a circle fighting hand in hand Our weapons were illusions to let it feel the pain By the sweet taste of our live it call us back again We'll find the answer it's time to die By a ritual we've hurt it but we've not kill little Billy you must find your way Believe in you we ask for but where we can never find there must be a sign for the Guardian of the Blind Guardian, Guardian, Guardian of the Blind Now it feel the curse of heaven Guardian, Guardian, Guardian of the Blind Now it feel the curse Come to it's world following the sign Guardian, Guardian, Guardian of the Blind Give us the help we're waiting for your sign Guardian, Guardian, Guardian of the Blind
Нет, я не про него. В следующем обновлении будет.
Новый плагин просто супер! Заснял свою армию нежити в действии.
Rage - Don't Fear The Winter Perfect Man (1988) Autumn – the time of darkness and decay Life's running shorter day by day Winter –has gripped the land in cold caress He's all alone and deeply depressed, she's dead Don't you fear the winter, I will keep you safe And warm Don't you fear the winter, nothing's gonna Do you harm Midnight – and on the graveyard a storm is RAGEing The clods of earth hide his whole life Homeless – who's lonely now will be for long The wind will drift him on and on, like the leaves Don't you fear the winter, I will keep you safe And warm Don't you fear the winter, Come with me, There'll be no harm A silent might that has moved you Hear your waters stand still Striding down to the elder Soon you'll meet her again Autumn – who's got the time knows nothing yet Who cares? But watchful are the Dead Midnight – It's hard to face and deeply sad But you're asleep so don't look back, you're dead Don't you fear the winter, I will keep you safe And warm Don't you fear the winter, nothing's gonna Do you harm Don't you fear the winter, I will keep you safe And warm Don't you fear the winter, come with me, There'll be no harm
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