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Сообщения, опубликованные Арг

  1. The wind sings alone for the martyr

    A man against the age

    Many called but few are chosen

    Twice born into the gaze


    Challenging man made illusion

    The truth against the world

    Men go to graves with their truth

    Still the sun will rise


    Surrender mind to the mystery

    The seen and the unseen

    Sever head from their disgrace

    Religions founded and undone


    - Steve Von Till / Twice Born

  2. Господа, а нельзя ли как-нибудь поподробнее, более развернуто? А то от односложных предложений мне не по себе...

    А какие ответы тебе нужны? Ты же сам пишешь, должен знать. Творческий процесс это не утюг, его так просто не опишешь.

  3. Dead. I was dead, and dead I entered the temple.

    The serpent, master of the sun, lay motionless

    And the ground began to tremble

    From the echoes of its wraith;

    It coils resounded of a thousand voices.

    And the serpent of discord soared

    And devoured the sun to rise the reign of death.


    You who are destiny,

    Ardour and fury,

    Forget the ash that flows from your chest,

    Do not mix it with the venom of the snake

    And, without approaching the source,


    And descend into the Hades of war.


    Descend into the Hades of war.


    And if you see the One Unseen, do not halt

    For you are not in the hands of the Unyielding.


    - Elend / A World in Their Screams

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